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A few years later. 

"Sirius we're going to be late! Get your arse down here and eat your breakfast!" 

"Daddy, what do you think his house will be?" Asked the little girl sat on his lap, eating her own pancakes. 

"He's a Gryffindor, just like mum and dad." Fred smiles. 

"And me?" 

"Oh baby you are Ravenclaw material?" 

She smiled wide, going back to the little fork on her hands. It was finally the day Bee and Fred were dreading: Sirius' first day at Hogwarts. The kid was a thunderstorm, but he had the same love for life Fred held. 

"I can't believe Siri is finally going to Hogwarts... Reckon Minnie has handed her two weeks in yet?" 

"Oh love, if it's not Minnie it'll be Filch. Or Sprout." 

"You have not given him anything from the shop, have you Freddie?" 

"Of course not!" It had been George. 

"Sirius! I've seen turtles run faster!" 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

The not so little man had grown up to look like Fred, with Bee's eyes and longer hair. Hair that was now in a middle part as he sat down with this family. 

"Is that hairspray I smell?" 


"I gotta look good if I want to find a girl or a boy who likes me, like you and mum! I look good." 

"Gosh, a little casanova, just like his dad!" 

"Don't lie love, I was smitten with you the second I saw you. I knew I'd make you mine." 

"Siri at least don't take as much time as your dad did, took him 6 years to ask me out! 6!" 

"Daddy always tells us your story when Luna asks for a love story at bed time!" Georgie says, looking at Bee. "But I like it."

"You do, bubba?"

"Yes! It's not sappy! It has adventures!"

The twins adored the two, but Sirius was a little more fond of his mother. He remembered snippets of things that had happened, and at bedtime, Fred made sure to remind him who was his mother and how much she fought for him. 

After the trial, Fred returned to the jokeshop, and Bee decided it was time to stay at home. She wasn't a stay at home wife, but she enjoyed rising her kids, having the big family she had always wanted but never got a chance to actually have. They didn't have any more kids, but the three they had adored their parents, and Bee and Fred made sure they grew up in a loving and accepting environment. They had the happiest childhood they could provide. 

Lee and George never got to adopt a kid of their own, but they made sure the kids were as spoiled as they could. They were happy, they had their own little family and that was enough for them. Love. They were two best friends who found in the other a soulmate, a lover, someone to write a whole love story. They had enough. 

Minnie was still head mistress, and Hogwarts was thriving better than it had been with Albus as a headmaster. No more unhealthy stereotypes of house competition. Slytherins were seen with Gryffindors, bullying was no longer an issue and she was working with Hermione to solve the whole houselves situation. She even was kind enough to name the Slytherin common room after the one and only Draco Malfoy, the boy who got beaten down but still redeemed himself and gave his life for the ones who helped through something not many people would.

Back to our little family, King's Cross was full of people, it usually was. Sirius was shaking and giddy, all those stories from his parents, the fact that he got to use magic... He couldn't wait. 

"Mum are you crying?" 

"... no." 

"If it makes you cry I won't leave!" 

"No, no, darling. You've got to go. Give Minnie our best!" 

"Are you sure you'll be fine." 

"Your dad will kiss the pain away, won't you Freddie?"

"You don't have to ask me twice."

"You guys are disgusting, but I'm going to miss you. Will you write to me?"

"Every week, dear. Well put pictures of the twins too. And if it gets to too much, ask Minnie to give us a call. We'll sneak in, or something. In the mean time..." 

Fred took out the all too familiar parchment paper, the map that had gotten them in so much mischief over the years. 

"This was created by grandpa Moony and Padfoot. And Prongs! Then it went to your mother, who shared it with me and then we decided to give it to uncle Harry. And at some point he gave it back to us. And now this little beauty, our family heirloom, it's yours. Use it only to cause a whole lot of mischief."

"The Marauders Map?" 

"This is a legacy, little man!" 

After a brief explanation on how to use the map and many, many tears, Sirius had boarded the train and left his stuff on an empty compartment. A girl joined not much later, and they spoke the whole way there. She was a muggleborn, so Sirius got to catch her up about everything. 

"I'm Sirius, it's very nice to meet you!"

"Marlene, my name's Marlene." 

He couldn't wipe the smile on his face the whole ride. He was of course sorted into Gryffindor and Minnie, Neville and Hagrid shared a look. Marlene was close to get sorted into Ravenclaw, but Gryffindor ended up being her house. That night, Sirius took some parchment and simply started writing: 

"Mum, dad you'll never believe what happened! I met this girl on the train..."

History has a funny way of repeating itself. 

The end.

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