42. Sirius Orion Black

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I suggest you guys listen to this one with a little Bowie on the background, it will hit different.

Bee and Fred had this adopted tradition they started in third year called "Emergency dance party". Easy as it sounds, when one of them was feeling down and there were none of Sirius' cookies available, they'd dance their sorrows away, jumped, sung. Mornings with Fred felt exactly like that. 

Fred would wake up a little earlier than her and she'd wake up to his beautiful brown eyes looking at her, until he bot bored of waiting, too excited to start the day and he'd wake up leaving kisses all over her face. But in the occasion she'd wake up first, she couldn't help but smile at him. He'd have his arm around her, holding tight as if she'd run away at night. His face was completely relaxed, his lower lip a little puckered and his red hair messy from the moving around at night. He looked so beautiful, so peaceful. Bee could spend years looking at him like this. She knew, he'd always be her favourite landscape.  

However, that morning Bee felt a little off. Maybe it was the time, maybe it was the sinking feeling in her stomach. 

"Morning, beautiful" she heard Fred's raspy morning voice from a little above her head. "What's on your mind?" he asked, his fingertips tracing her arms lightly. 

"I just have a bad feeling about today, probably just my mind" she said looking up to kiss his jaw. 

"Yeah, of course, love. Maybe you are just hungry, don't get yourself worked up over this." 

Both of them had breakfast and Fred went to the store, which had been full of costumers the moment they opened and Bee today was sorting through the books she was putting in her café, the last touch before opening that Friday. The place looked like a dream. She couldn't wait to show Sirius and Remus, but for now she was just putting her uncle Regulus' books in the shelves. The man had some of her favourite books, but she kept Romeo and Juliet so she could read it to Fred. 

The sinking feeling never left, not at all. That wasn't until Fred and George barged in the café. 

"Harry and the kids and Sirius and Remus and Tonks and the Order are at the Ministry, we have to go there, now." said George. 

Upon hearing her family's name Bee got up and closed the café, the three of them making their way to the Ministry. After sneaking around they finally found the others, Fred pulling Bee behind him to protect her from the spells and Death Eaters. That was until Barty Crouch Jr pulled her hair, making her yelp and put the wand on her neck, snapping everyone's attention. 

"Should've killed you while I had the chance, huh?"

"See, we have the girl, all we need now is the prophecy. Hand it over Harry, you wouldn't want us to hurt her would you" said Lucius as he pointed to Barty. 

The man, still holding her in a chokehold had now a knife to her neck. When Harry said no, Barty stabbed her side while grabbing a fist full of hair. Harry was torn, so he did what he thought was best. He threw the ball to the floor. And again all hell broke lose, enough hell to allow Bee to escape to the group. 

"Don't stand here, go fight!" she yelled trying to remember the spell to close the wound that couldn't stop bleeding. "Go for fuck's sake!" 

They fought as hard as they could, leaving only Bee, Sirius and Harry left fighting in the end. Harry was fighting Lucius as Bee and her dad fought Bellatrix. They hid behind a wall, and Sirius turned to Harry. 

"Listen to me, grab the others and go."

"What?" said Harry. "No. No. I wanna stay, I have to fight!"

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