45. F.W. + B.B.

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Molly had convinced the lot to go back to The Burrow for the weekend. Although Bee was getting better, Molly wanted to care of her too. She had seen the girl grow up, and was the one to be married to Freddie, it made sense to her to want to reassure Bee she'd always have a family within the Weasley's. 

"Now," she said to the whole family minus Percy and with Hermione, Harry still at his uncle's house. "I want you all on your best behaviour. I don't want a mention of Harry nor Sirius this weekend. As soon as they aparate here, you'll slowly greet your brothers and Bee, not all of you at the same time. And be nice! Chop chop!"

Ron and Hermione went upstairs, Charlie and Bill outside the patio and Ginny went to the living room with Arthur. Soon enough the three of them aparated to the Burrow, Bill and Charlie engulfing her in a hug as soon as they saw her. 

"There is our favourite one!" they said at the same time as she giggled.

"I'm telling you, mum is livid. She scolded us before you got here" said Charlie. 

"What? Why?" 

"She says she wants us all in our best behaviour." said Bill. "Still, tell her you are doing better so she doesn't have a fit."

After being greeted by everyone, Molly urged them to go take a swim in the lake. As soon as Bee took off the cover shirt she was wearing, Ron's eyes looked at the carving in her stomach. 

"Ron staring is rude." said Fred. 

"Does it hurt?" Ron asked intrigued. 

"Ronald!" the rest exclaimed. 

"It's fine guys, it really doesn't Ron. It's just a scar." 

"Yeah but Harry's one hurts him." 

"Not this one, this was an actual knife, not black magic." 

Ron was going to ask again when Fred shot him a look so he just shut his mouth. After spending the day in the lake they made their way back inside, all of them a little kissed by the sun. Not Ron, the kid was just straight up burnt. 

Molly had made homemade pizza and after that, she had to help Arthur to bed as the man had eaten an insane amount of food, same with Ron. Slowly the lot made their way upstairs, leaving Fred and Bee alone downstairs.  Fred smirked, he had her exactly where he wanted her, and the thought of being her over the kitchen counter was looking greater by the second. 

"Fancy some tea, darling?" Bee said snapping him out of his thoughts. 

"Yeah, sure." He answered following inside the kitchen. 

As soon as she had the kettle in the oven heating up the water for the tea, Fred picked her up and placed her on the counter his hands squeezing her ass as he crashed his lips into hers. Her hand made its way to Fred's hair, slightly pulling it earning a moan from the boy. 

"Eager, aren't we?" Bee smirked into the kiss. 

"You have no idea of how beautiful you'd look bent over this counter for me, love." He said and bit her lower lip and grabbed her throat, another moan escaping Bee's lips. 

"Stop teasing, we can't muffliato the kitchen Fred." 

"That's even greater isn't it?"

Fred slowly crouched down so he was face to face with her core, opening her legs as he latched his mouth onto her clit. Bee bit her lips to stop the moans begging to come out to, her head thrown back in pleasure. Fred was drawing figures with his tongue, his finger going in and out of her. He was very much enjoying the risk, almos waiting for anyone to go into the kitchen and catching them redhanded. 

"Fred I'm close" she whispered as soft as she could. 

Fred took this a sign to add a third finger, doing a come here motion, hitting the spot for her. Fred adored seeing Bee like that her legs spread open for him, letting him pleasure her as he pleased. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit" she said panting gripping at Fred's hair. 

Almost on cue, the kettle whistled and Fred simply stood up, wiping the corners of his mouths with his thumb with a smirk plastered on his face. 

"Are you for real Fred? I was so close you asshole!" 

"Sorry darling, but the tea was ready."

"Fuck you, honestly" she said rolling her eyes and smiling. 

"I've been thinking, and I want to get a tattoo." Said Fred looking at her. "Do you want to go? Like right now?" 

"Fred it's almost 1 am in the morning where the fuck do you want to get tattooed?"

"There's a 24 hour muggle tattoo parlour in London... We could sneak out..." Fred said putting puppy eyes as she groaned. 

"Ugh, okay, okay. Let's change and we can go." 

They apparated in an alley close to the parlour, Fred taking her hand to cross the street. A very short guy full of tats made his way to the counter, smiling as soon as he saw Fred. 

"Fred! My man! Finally you made up your mind!" the man, named Lou, said to Fred and noticed Bee by his side. "Is this your lovely fiancé?"

Bee nodded, taking his hand and shaking it. 

"Bee Black, soon to be Weasley, it's a pleasure Lou!" she smiled. 

"I like her. So, what will we be doing today?" 

"So I was thinking of getting Bee's initials on me. You know, something small with nice letters." 

"Freddie are you sure?" Bee asked surprised at his request. 

"Of course I am! And I'm using B for Bee, it feels weird calling you by your full name." 

"Well then I'm getting yours tattooed too."

Fred sat down in the chair, taking off his top. 

"I'd like them over my heart, please." 

Lou put the stencil on Fred, peeled it off and started tracing the tattoo, soon two Bs marked on his chest forever. Bee bit her lip. Maybe it was the gesture, maybe it was the fact that Fred had gotten a tattoo, but she knew what they were going to do as soon as they got home. 

She sat down next, lowering her pants just enough so that Lou could tattoo her hip, just at the start of her v-line, a little F.W. now with her forever. She loved it, but it had hurt like hell. 

"And done!" Lou said smiling. "Does the lover boy like it?" 

"You know I might actually come back for a couple more. We could bring Charlie too." Fred said smiling at her tattoo. 

"You are just like my mate Niall. Never wanted one but the second he got one he could stop getting them!" Lou laughed. "Thank you so much guys."

"No, thank YOU Lou. We are now one of those couples, huh Freddie?"

"Oh shush, if anything we are even hotter." 

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