3. Guidance.

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Slight smut warning :)

Fred woke up with a very bad back ache but extremly happy to see Bee in his arms, still high. The both had smoked most of the weed. They were alone, Lee and George probably went to sleep in the twins room last night. Bee stirred in her sleep, her eyes slowly opening.

"Morning Freddie"

He looked hot. His hair messy from sleeping, voice raspy and his arms flexed around her. And she could feel his morning wood against her. Maybe it was the lingering high, maybe it was the fact that she craved him.

"Morning Bee"

They just looked at each other in the eyes. Fred looked at her in the eyes as if he was asking for permission. His arm made his way down squeezing her ass as she moaned into his ear. He just smirked at her.

"That's not good boy behaviour, Freddie, and bad boys get punished."
He swallowed hard. Fred always thought he'd be the dominant one. But seeing her, on top of him whispering dirty words onto his ear simply got the best of him. Fred was taken out of his thoughts as he felt her slowly move up and down his thigh, her mouth leaving marks on his neck. 

He could describe this moment as heaven. He put her hand over her mouth as her moans were getting louder and louder. 

"Shhhh, I know you want to scream my name love, but I don't fancy mum hearing you this early"

She bit his hand, and much to her surprise, Fred moaned at her actions. 

"That's right darling come for me"

She could feel her orgasm approaching, and when she hit her high, she just collapsed on top of him. 

"You know, I like high-horny Bee, that was... wow"

"Oi shush Fred. I'm tired, I wanna sleep."

He just cuddled her and watched her back to sleep. He now felt more sober than ever and just processing what the fuck had just happened. His best friend (and the girl who he had fancied since they were eleven!) had just ridden his thigh. Just like that. Fred was confused. Should he take this as something serious? Or was she just horny? Should he tell George? Oh my god, Lee and George would never let this die down. 

His eyes darted back at her. Her hair messy and lips slightly parted, his only thought was that he could wake up to this every day of his life. She looked angelic, even hungover. Fred just wanted to keep her like that, just a little longer. To be able to protect her inside his arms, just a little longer, just for a few more hours. Just the two of them. However he smelled like weed and he knew Molly would go feral if she smelled it on him. So he had no choice but to go back to The Burrow and shower. 

"Bee wake up"


"Love come one, mum will go ballistic on us if we come in smelling like weed"

She darted up, the thought of a screaming Molly frightening her. 
"I'm up, also first to shower. Reckon someone's up?"

"Doubt it."

The pair made their way inside the Burrow. Bee stopped at Ginny's room (the youngest Weasley still asleep), grabbed a towel and headed to the shower. All the confidence she felt with Fred hours ago now was nowhere to be found. She let the water wash over her. She did not regret her moment with Fred, at all. But she did wonder what did he think of her. She didn't hurt him sitting on him... right? It was quite tiring to her, putting on this "I'm confident" armour around her. Sometimes she just wanted to be held, she just wanted to be told that she looked pretty with messy hair and some pj's on. 

Fred was waiting for her to get out. He knew she was overthinking about something. Fred knew about her little routines. He had memorised her like a book. He knew that when she didn't sing in the shower it meant she was over thinking, that she would scratch herself when she got anxiety and that she would bite her lip when nervous. Little things about her no one noticed. No one but him. 

Once she got out wrapped in her towel, she was so deep in thought she didn't notice him. He for sure noticed her, making a mental note to speak to her later. 

"Moooorning" George said to a now fully clothed Bee as she made her way downstairs. 

"Bee, dear! I didn't hear you come in this morning. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes Molly thank you! And it's okay, I spent a lot of time in the shower anyways."

"Georgie told me you guys had fun yesterday! That's nice"

Bee blushed. Fun. Smoking might be fun but her mind went again to that same morning's events. He remembered Fred, encouraging her, just letting herself pleasure in this thigh. A sight to be seen, really. 

"It was a fun night Molly! And the boys behaved themselves."

"Did you behave yourself, Bee?" said Sirius.

"Oh yes she did" added Fred from the staircase. 

George, Lee and Ginny had to cough their laughter as they saw Fred arrive. Bee just wanted the earth to open and swallow her whole. Fred Weasley stood at the last step of the stairs, his neck full of little purple marks. 

"Hey Fred you got something in here" said George dragging his finger through his own neck. 

"Oh my god Fred, you told me I wasn't hurting you!" both Ron and Sirius choked on her at her words. 

"Not like that you idiots! We thought it would be fun to curl his hair with a muggle thingy I got from Hermione but turns out it heats up!"

"It's okay love, it didn't actually hurt, it was kinda nice". Fred smirked.

"For the sake of everyone here, I'm going to believe that version" Molly sighted as she poured Fred some tea. 

Lee and George looked at them with an eyebrow raised, knowing they would have to give an explanation at some point. 


"But did you two...?"
"Oh my god no! Charlie stop it! I was high and I got brave, but I wouldn't want to lose it while high."

"Right, I forgot you were a hopeless romantic deep down." Charlie laughed. 

The two of them were outside, where a very confused Bee needed some guidance as Bee had avoided Fred all afternoon. Just like Fred had been avoiding everyone. 

"Listen I know you are confused right now but just go with the flow of everything. Really. Get inside, grab a cup of tea and read a little.  It'll help you, you know? And if you feel the panic attack coming, just call for me, okay?"

"Okay" she said standing up, "thank you Charlie, really. I really needed this."

Bee made her way inside, and thankfully there was nobody in the living room. She grabbed Little Women, a book Hermione had gifted her on Christmas. As she kept on reading she could feel herself relaxing, almost like entering another another reality. She hadn't noticed Fred sitting next to her. 



"Will you read to me?" 

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