10. The sleepover and Harry

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The second George and Harry had gone through the door of her room, they had their arms around her. After saying sorry about 10.000 times Bee assured them that she was no longer mad. It was two days after her birthday, and the rescheduled sleepover. Lee was coming later on and Fred had everything planned. 

Last year during muggle studies they learnt about this thing called karaoke. He remembered how Bee was really interested in it, fascinated by how something so simple seemed so fun. So he got himself some karaoke equipment and some firewhiskey. Lee was in charge of the weed, and George apparently had a stash of muggle liquor. Harry would be going to a room Kreacher had actually managed to clean (the house elf was an ass, but when asked things nicely he would obey) and Sirius would place a silencing spell so they could be as loud as they wanted. 

After a little while, the firewhiskey had started doing its thing, and Fred had a brilliant idea.

"Are you sure they won't be mad?" asked a worried Lee.

"No, no. This is a free show, they should be grateful" drunkenly said Fred.

Silently they all went to the living room, where Sirius, Remus and Harry where having a chat. Sirius choked on his tea when he saw them: wrinkly clothing, with their Gryffindor ties around their heads and drunk. Very drunk. 

"What's with the ties?" said Harry, clearly amused. 

"It's for the boybaaaand effect" slurred Fred. 

"Now shhhhhhhhhh," said serious Bee. "Don't look at me like that."

"You amaze me" said Sirius grinning.

"GOODNIGHT LONDON CITY!" started George.


"Shit guys we don't have a name." whispered Lee

They all giggled. George pressed the start button, turning around for a dramatic effect. Remus was in actual tears when he heard the start of the song, looking at Harry who was very much enjoying this but at the same time very confused. George was the first one to turn around. 

"Last night, I was taking a walk along the river

And I saw him together with a young girl 

And the look that he gave her made me shiver"

Lee was the next one to turn around, mike in hand.

"Cause he always used to look at me that way

Then I thought maybe I should walk right up to her and say
Ah-ha-ha, it's a game he likes to play"

The both of them kept on singing the chorus, Bee and Fred almost on the floor laughing. It was Bee's turn to make a dramatic entrance, Lee and George acting like two very dramatic friends listening to her. 

"Sometimes when I'm lonely, I sit and think about him

And it hurts to remember all the good times
When I thought I could never live without him"

Remus was already crying with laughter. Fred eventually joining in, they sang the rest of the song. When they finished, the three victims clapped but little did they know the show was far from over. 

"You know, Fred didn't sing as much as everyone else..." said Harry with a cheeky smile. 

George gasped and while Bee and Lee sat down, he chose a song for Fred, eventually sitting down himself. Fred looked rather shy, Bee giving him a thumbs up. He cleared his throat. 

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