102. Drunken owls and tequila

983 26 10

Little Smut warning (public seggs, dunk slightly angry seggs)


Dear Bee, 

I'm all for helping out. When are you going to do so?

Also, happy birthday from me and Lee. We miss you. 




Dear Georgie, 

Last day of the month. We need Hogwarts to be empty, just in case. We can meet at Hogsmeade for dinner and a butterbeer, and then we can go on with the plan. I'll explain everything once we're there.

And thank you, I promise I didn't spend it alone. I miss you two big softies more. 



Bee woke up with the hangover of a lifetime, and Charlie didn't feel much better. Bill had gone home already, so they didn't expect a knock on the door that early. They both groaned and covered their heads with a pillow, making a silent pact to let whoever knocked on the door keep on doing so until they were tired and left. Of course, Molly Weasley was not going to stop knocking. 

"I know she's here, open up Charlie!" Molly said outside the door. 

Slowly, the ginger man opened the door, to reveal his mother, who looked distraught to say the least. The house looked clean but Bee and Charlie looked like utter shit. Specially Bee, who looked like she hadn't seen the Sun in ages, not that it was that far from reality. She really hadn't been outside the room aside from meals she barely ate. 

As soon as she had stepped on the kitchen, Molly and checked that the fridge was indeed empty, she started taking out containers full of food from her enchanted bag. Enough food for the both of them to eat for a week, this was how long she was going to let Bee indulge in her feelings. Once she had placed the food on the fridge, she motioned for Charlie to leave the room so she could speak to the girl, sat down on the sofa, and motioned Bee to put her head on her lap. Molly was what Bee needed and longed for: a maternal figure to help her get out of the pit she was in. 

"How is he?" Asked Bee softly as Molly started brushing her hair with her fingers. 

"He is not coping well, dear. But it's not easy. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"I don't really know if I can tell you much, it's such a blur. I was having brunch with Draco, we were heading home to show Fred the ring he had bought to propose to Jessica. And- and the next thing I know is Fred hovering over her, neck full of marks and he was aroused." 

Tears had started cascading down her cheeks, and for the first time in days, she felt just how truly heartbroken she was. Every word she spoke was a sharp edge from some broken piece of her heart tearing up her insides. Every time she replayed the events in her mind, she felt hopeless, and she felt angry. But most of all, she felt like a little girl who had slowly lost everyone beside her, from her parents, to the love of her life, she was starting to think that maybe she wasn't made to be loved, maybe she just had to wait for everyone to leave, like they eventually did. 

"I thought he truly loved me, Molly. I apparated here because I knew Charlie would cover up for me and he wouldn't let me do anything stupid. I needed someone to take care of me and he was the one who wouldn't judge me."

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