53. Spain and hiding

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As requested, after the wedding the Potter-Weasley clan and friends went into hiding for whatever was coming next. For Fred, George, Lee and Bee it was a very small town in Spain called Tamarit. They had enchanted their trunks to look like muggle luggage, and their two owls to look like two small birds. They had set spells in the shop and the café in order to hide and protect them from Death Eaters and apparated in a secluded beach. 

"Okay so mum said the old lady next door should know me and will give us the keys to my mum's home" Bee explained. "We'll make the sleeping arrangements when we get there. I don't know if there are other wizards in the town so careful with the magic and we'll go buy the groceries after we settle in. Lay low guys, we don't know when are they going to find us."

"Yes ma'am!" said the three guys following her. 

The town did somehow bring comfort to Bee, knowing this is were her mum grew up made her feel somewhat safe. She stopped at the address provided, and rang the doorbell. An old lady with kind eyes and a long white braid answered the door, examining the girl. 

"Hi, my name's Bee, this is my husband Fred, and my brother's in law George and Lee. Uh sorry, puedo hablarle en español." (I can speak to you in Spanish.) Bee explained. 

"No worries dear, English is fine. I was expecting you. You are here for the key's to Ane's house, aren't you?" she asked with a smile. 

"Yes! Did you know her?" 

"Oh dear, you don't know do you? I'm Concha, your abuela." 

"Her what?" asked Lee. 

"My grandma" said Bee barely grasping the situation. "Hello" she whispered. 

"Come one, I'll give you the keys, you can come get settled and then we can catch up." she said kindly.  

Bee just nodded her head, and looked at Fred who was just as surprised. When Concha came back with the keys she grabbed Bee's face and kissed her cheek, bidding her goodbye. 

"Home sweet home" said Bee opening the door, her head on Fred's chest. 

"This place is beautiful, holy shit." said George inspecting the little house.

The little cottage was made of stone, and there were several family pictures and sea related stuff. It had two floors and three bedrooms. It had big windows, some of those facing the sea. The living room had a big couch and a muggle tv, that Bee was eternally grateful for. She was also grateful for the two bathrooms it had. 

"Okay, Fred and I will take the bedroom downstairs, George and Lee you can take one of the bedrooms upstairs. Put the trunks in there, Lee and George you are on cleaning duty, close the blinds and you can use magic, Fred and I will go get the food and then we'll stop to meet my abuela." she explained. 

George and Lee complaining was the last thing Bee and Fred heard as they made their way outside, hand in hand. They explored the town a little before finding a little supper market, and got the groceries they needed. Fred had instantly fallen in love with the little town, thinking that you know, in a far future, when they both were old and wrinkly they could move in there. He couldn't help but notice how happy his wife seemed besides the sea. And Fred knew, things were a mess in the wizarding world, but they would be okay. They had each other, and they had Lee and George. 

"I must say this whole speaking Spanish thingy is making you ten times hotter." Fred smirked.

"You know, you'll have to learn some Spanish too, I don't want to babysit you guys because you can't get anywhere not speaking the language." She smiled at him. 

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