7. Make-up

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Smut warning ;)

"Hey Bee" said Ginny carefully watching the girl eye some eye shadows; "Would you do my make up?"

"Aw, course Gin, come here!" Said a very happy Bee. 

Ginny and Bee loved bonding time. Ginny had grown really close to the girl, and looked up to her. They shared a room, and with that came sharing secrets, and also just knowing each other well. In fact, Ginny was really protective of the girl, and had actually threatened Fred several times if he was to break her heart. 

Ginny sat down on Bee's bed. She skipped foundation mainly cause she didn't know how to apply it, so she just didn't. Her eyes darted back to the shadows. A light green shade caught her attention. With Ginny's red hair and fair skin, the light green would look stunning. So she started blending the shadow in, careful not to poke her in the eyes. When she finished she put on a few coats of mascara and some blush. Growing up with 6 brothers you'd think she would be tomboy-ish but Ginny loved her more feminine side. Whatever that was really, both Bee and Ginny had never thought of make up or clothing as something gendered. 

"I look so pretty! Shit, green looks great on me." Beamed Ginny. "Muuuuum! Look what Bee did!"

Ginny had run downstairs, just as a very curious Fred walked through the door. 

"Where did you leave your brother, Freddie?" she asked rising an eyebrow.

"Nevermind that, did you do that to Ginny's face?"

"Well yeah, why?"

Fred hesitated for a second. 

"Could I... Could I put some make-up on you?"

"But you've got to let me do yours afterwards."

"Deal" said Fred running to her bed, already looking out for what to use. 


"Freddie you are poking me!"

"Sorry, sorry!"

Fred had actually done really well. Of course she had mascara on her cheeks, and the shadow was a little weird, but it didn't look half bad. And booooy was he proud. 

"Okay now do me!" he giggled like a little boy. "And use that red thingy on my eyes, it is the same that I used on you!"

She couldn't hide the grin on her face seeing Fred this excited. She got the red shadow and put it on his lids, blending it softly, almost as if she tried not to break him. She softly blew on his face, getting some of the fallout away. Fred opened his eyes, the sight of her lips so close to his making his ears go almost as red as the color resting on his eyes. She applied some mascara and some blush aswell. She went to her bag, looking for something. 

"Pucker up, Freddie"

"What?" He said, flustered again. 

"Yeah, I want to put some clear gloss on your lips" she answered softly. 

She slowly traced his lips with the little wand, a little closer than she had to be. They stayed like that for a few seconds, staring at each other.

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