97. Oliver Wood

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tw: Sexual assault. You might get really uncomfy with this one with Oliver, I threw up after finishing the chapter. Please do not read if you think it could trigger anxiety or ptsd (as it did for me). 

Fred was stuck taking care of baby Sirius, which in any other situation he would've loved. The kid had his mother's eyes and Fred couldn't help but smile at how he was such a perfect mix of the two of them. The baby would grab onto Fred's fingers and look at the rings with utter fascination. What warmed Fred's heart the most, was the fact that the one he would always want to grab his wedding ring and cuddle it. 

"You know, I can't wait for you to grow up so I can let you paint inside my tats, I think your mother will enjoy it very much. Maybe by then I have a sleeve!" 

The baby squealed at Fred and made grabby hands at him. He brought baby Sirius close to him and the baby put his tiny hands in Fred's cheek, making him melt. Fred puffed his cheeks making the baby giggle at the weird faces he was pulling. And then an idea popped up in Fred's head. 

"Come on, we're getting a tattoo! Well I am, I want to have more kids and if I got you a tattoo Bee would cut my balls off." 

And so, with matching outfits, (because Fred was that kind of parent) Fred and baby Sirius made their way to muggle London to his favourite tattoo parlour. Fred noticed Louis wasn't alone, Niall, the Irish lad he had met previously was sat with a tall man with curly hair and a very colourful sweater. 

"Fred my man!" said Louis as soon as he noticed him.  "You know Niall, and this is Harry! And who is this little fella?" asked crouching down to say hello to the baby. 

"Lads! A pleasure. And meet baby Sirius, Bee and I became parents recently." 

"He really does look like a mixture of you two, aye?" 

"What will I be doing for you today?" said Lou as Niall put baby Sirius in his lap. 

"A Sunflower, with my boy's initials in one of the petals." 

"Like the missus necklace?" Lou said referencing to the necklace Fred gave Bee for her 16th birthday, which she still wore to the day.

"Lou, you read my mind mate!" 

Things over at Bee weren't all that sweet, and she had been quickly annoyed with Oliver. He had picked her up extremely early, much to her complains. Who wants to wake up early on a Saturday anyway? This was the first red flag for her. Fred would have never even thought about waking her up early, Oliver hadn't bothered getting such a stupid detail right. He had picked her up in a muggle car, and drove her to a big Manor, mistake number two. Oliver didn't stop to think that after everything, after the events at Malfoy and Lestrange Manor she hated being in houses like that, it was a easy trigger for ptsd and panic attacks. Guess bragging was more important to Oliver. 

Truth be told, Quidditch had changed Oliver. The once driven boy, was now obsessed with showing off, he loved showing the world just how successful he was even though they had told him off for being overly ambitious. He felt like he had won at life, and now he had gone back to Hogwarts to spread his wisdom. He was only missing one thing, and that was Bee hanging from his arm. He was convinced that the only thing he needed was one day and a great offer to finally get the girl. 

"Ah, this is my humble home. There's a room ready for you upstairs. It has your name on the door." 

Bee made her way upstairs, and showered. The day went along just fine, that was until after lunch. The both of them oposite to each other in a long wooden table, barely hearing each other. Bee knew this was not what she wanted, this was cold, there was no family spirit to it. 

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