103. The Quidditch jersey

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As they had hoped, Dumbledore's office was intact even after the battle. It was dusty as no one had dared step in there for years, no one but Bee and George Weasley. 

"Don't you feel bad, breaking and entering his office?" 

"Not at all, no. I didn't really like the guy." 

"You didn't?" 

"Um Georgie he was an ass. I got harassed for six years and he didn't move a single finger until the fucking prophecy got stronger, Harry and I grew up like pigs to be slaughtered because of the power we held and the upcoming war, he said yes to the TriWizard Tournament sending more than a kid to therapy and Cedric to the grave, sent Harry to his uncle's house knowing his godfather was out of prison and deprived him of a family for years. I get it, he was a powerful wizard. But he was not a good person. We just liked him because we were told to do so." 

"Now that you put it into perspective... So what is the plan?" 

"You have to promise me first that you won't get mad or try to stop me." 

"I don't like the sound of that." 

"George I'm serious. Swear." 

"Okay, sure." 

"Well I know baby Sirius is in Lestrange Manor, but I can't aparate there because I never saw the house when I got kidnapped." 

"How did you know...?" 

"Draco told me. The whole story, actually. Just because you guys think I can't handle things doesn't give you the right to hide them from me, but that is not the point. The thing is, you did see the house. So I was hoping we could extract the memory, put it inside the Pensieve I go in, see the place, apparate there and get my baby back." 

"Absolutely not." 

"What? Why?" 

"You go alone? What if something happens to you? We are talking about Death Eaters Bee!" 

"Bestie I literally killed one of them with my mind a few weeks ago, I think I can manage myself." 

"My point exactly, you haven't practiced your powers in forever, for all we know you could lose control and fuck shit up. We still don't know just how powerful you actually are and you are emotional right now."

"Okay let's do something. I will apparate outside the Manor, and if the danger is too much or something happens I'll go back to your flat or The Burrow, and we figure something else out. No extra powers, no nothing. I'm willing to take the unbreakable vow." 

George agreed to the plan, minus the unbreakable vow because quite frankly, it was a scary thing to do. After the whole ordeal, they went back to the flat, and George made sure she had eaten and prepared her for whatever could happen. And with a crack, she was gone. 

But of course, things never went flawless. She had splinched her arm pretty bad, and just as she apparated outside, a Death Eater had already his wand pointed at her. 


"Cute but like, really?"

"Crucio!" Tried the man again, Bee almost trying not to laugh, holding her bleeding arm. 

"Have you missed half of the story? This won't do shit." 

The Death Eater tried to stab her with a little knife, but she just dodged the sharp object. Something in her shifted, almost like a burst of confidence out of nowhere, and soon enough her eyes turned into a bright purple, just like the night she had killed Greyback. She was cockily teasing the Death Eater, who tried to relentlessly hurt her. By now it was clear as day she wouldn't be able to go inside, but watching the man try and fail to hurt her made her feel truly powerful, almost unstoppable. Only now, there was no George or Fred to stop her. 

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