60. Uncle Moony

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The next morning, Bee found the letter in the table, barely remembering Errol crashing the window. She opened it, recognising Charlie's handwriting. 


I know Harry is with you, but you've gotta get to Romania asap. Remus is seriously injured, we don't know if he is going to make it. Tonks has died. Mum and dad are worried sick. 


Bee panicked as she read the short letter, so she packed her bags. She wasn't going to let Remus die. Instead of waking everyone up, she left a note and the open letter, immediately apparating to Romania. 

She knocked on the seemingly empty, abandoned house. She was sure they had enchanted it to make it look like that. She knocked a second time.

"It's Bee" she said, the door opening as Charlie tackled her in a hug. 

"Oh how I've missed you!" he said holding her. "Where are the others?"

"They'll come at some point, I had to come help Remus as soon as I could." 

"He'll be happy to see you, but mind you, he is really weak, it's not pretty." 

"I just want to see my Moony" she said, her voice cracking. 

She completely dismissed Ron, Bill, Fleur, and the other Weasleys as she ran to the room where Remus laid. Her heart broke at the sight, crying at the man who was practically lifeless in the bed in front of her. 

"Where is everyone, darling?" asked Molly from behind her. 

"Harry, Lee and the Twins are back home. Lee and George got surprise married yesterday and we got black out drunk, they are at home, I left a note." she said almost numb, not looking at the woman. "Uncle Moony?" she asked like a little girl.

"Oh petal, what are you doing here?" his voice almost a whisper.

"I came as soon as I knew. What happened to you?" 

"Come cuddle me, I missed you" 

She laid with him, just like they did when she had nightmares as a kid. Only this time, the weak one was Remus, and she was the one stroking his hair. 

"They attacked us. They killed Tonks, but your dad's house is fine." 

"Uncle Moony I couldn't care less about my dad's house, not when you are like this." 

"They crucio'd me, several times. Neville and his grandma are safe." he coughed, a little bit of blood now on his hand. "I played dead, and when I was safe I apparated here. I'm glad you are here my little girl." he smiled. 

"I'm sorry about Tonks and the baby..." 

"It's okay, I still have you, my daughter. I'm so proud of you, Bee. I have always been." 

"Uncle Moony why does this sound like a goodbye?"

"Because it is" 

"No it is not!" 

"Listen, petal. My precious girl. I can't hold onto life anymore. It hurts. I'm too weak, it's time to go. I love you, uncle Moony loves you." 

Remus' eyes started closing, as Bee shook hi awake. 

"No! No! Uncle Moony wake up, come on! You can't leave!" She shouted sobbing, getting the attention of the Weasley clan who ran to the room. 

Remus took one last breath, as Bee did the unthinkable. She placed her hand at the back of his neck, and just as Remus gasped for air, Bee fell to the ground, giving him a second chance at life, not knowing exactly what would happen to her. Becuase the bond they shared was such she was willing to give her life if that meant he could continue living. 

Meanwhile, everyone stirred awake. The first one going downstairs was Lee, who didn't really notice the letter nor the note. He noticed as he drank his coffee. 


Moony is dying. Place a charm on the house, I'm in Romania. Come there when you all wake up, bags packed. Sorry. 


Next he read Charlie's letter, gulping down the rest of the coffee and running upstairs. 

"George! George! Baby wake up!"


"Wake up and go wake up Fred while I wake up Freddie, we are leaving for Romania." 

"What? Why?" 

"I'll tell when we are packed. Bee is already there." 

Fred barged through the door with Harry. 

"Have you guys seen Bee?" asked a very concerned Bee. 

"Let's go downstairs, you should read a couple things." 

By the time they had read the letter and the note George had tears in his eyes, and Fred and Harry looked at each other. 

"You don't think she...?" Fred said.

"It's Remus. If he died, she'd give her life for him. No doubt. It's the only parental figure she has left, it would be like losing Sirius all over again. We shouldn't waste time." Harry said as the four boys ran to pack their bags. 

Fred's mind was racing all over the place. He didn't know what was he going to see when they got there. He remembered what happened when she saved Fleur's sister, and it broke him. 

"Ready Freddie?" said George from the door. 

He nodded, the four of them apparating outside the house. The knocked on the door. 

"It's us!" said Harry. 

Molly opened the door, hugging the four buys and rushing them inside. Harry ran to Remus, hugging him. He seemed perfectly healthy, and it dawned on him. 

"Where is she?" Fred asked. 

"Guys, please sit down." commanded Bill in a stern voice. 

"Is she...?" asked George. 

"She is alive." said Arthur as the boys all relaxed a little. 

"Still we don't know the state she is in." said Molly. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well Fleur's sister was significantly smaller than Remus'. So we don't know how this is going to play out. So please don't freak out when you see her." 

Fred got up, and hugged Remus. 

"No one blames you, Remus." He said. "Bee didn't want to lose the man who raised her, she probably acted out of adrenaline. She loves you like a father." 

"Thank you, Fred." said Remus, with his eyes filled with tears. He needed to hear that. 

George and Lee went in first, kissing her forehead and whispering sweet nothings to her ear, hoping she'd hear them and maybe wake up. Ron and Ginny were comforting Harry, and the rest looked at Fred, who didn't really know how to move from there. It was one of Fred's deepest fears, and now it was as real as ever.

As Glee stepped out of the room, Harry went in, the faint sounds of Molly congratulating the boys in the background. He looked at her, almost lifeless and held her cold hand. 

"You give us quite the scare, Bee." started Harry. "You have protected me ever since you met me and I'll do the same for you. Ron and I are running away tomorrow to find Hermione, I'm sure she'll know how to help. Plus we've got Lee! We've got a healer! You'll make it through this, you're brilliant. I want my big sister back and once you wake up, we can go see Charlie's dragons, you've always wanted to see them. And we'll go back to your house in Spain and go to the beach and do stupid shit together. You are the glue to all of us" he said, tears falling down his face. "So please, please don't leave so soon." 

Fred entered the room, shattered. He laid down next to the girl. His fingers travelled around he face. 

"I miss you so much already. Come back soon, my love. I'll be waiting. I'm not going anywhere, not without you, not without the love of my life." 

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