24. Love bites

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Smut warning, kinda ;)

April 1st. But not any April 1st. The twins were finally turning 17. And since it was a weekend, the lot were allowed to go back to the Burrow to celebrate. Dumbledore and Minnie being friends of the family were more than happy to. As soon as they had entered the home, Molly practically jumped on them. 

"Oh my babies, now men, oh" she said hugging the air out of them. 

"Mum you saw us at the second task" said George trying not to laugh. 

"George let her have her moment, the woman is emotional" said Bee scolding him. 

"And you brought my favourite child as well!" said Molly hugging her. 

"Oi!" said 5 redheads at once, Ginny not being able to be there and Percy not bothering.

"Sorry boys, better luck next time." 

She ran to Charlie and Bill hugging them hello, and then hugged Remus and Sirius. Once everyone had said their hellos Molly returned to the cake she was baking, the Weasley boys were outside and Bee was finally cuddling her dad, while Lee and Remus talked about something. 

"How are you feeling, sunshine? Any more prophecy related scares?" 

"Not at all dad, just a couple panic attacks. But Freddie and the boys have been there for me."

"You've been staying at their dorm?" Sirius said a little too loud, catching Lee's attention. 

"Well yeah," Lee said trying to save the situation. "Angie and Alicia sometimes don't know what to do. Besides we are worried, she's our best friend. We just put the three beds together and sleep there."

Sirius nodded, feeling a little awkward about his daughter sleeping with three other boys in the same bed. Still he trusted the boys, and now even more since they were taking care of her. Bee just snuggled into his dad side, happy to be there. 

"I've missed you, dad. I really have."

Dinner was finally served and Arthur was back from the Ministry, rambling about a muggle invention called the interwebs. Fred sad next to Bee, catching himself going to peck her lips out of habit and going for the cheek instead. Fred looked around making sure no one had seen. Only to be met by Charlie rising an eyebrow and smiling at them. Fred and Bee had decided they were not telling their families just yet. They wanted a nice and calm weekend, no questions, no Remus chasing anyone around the Burrow. Just a nice birthday, no funny business. Apparently Charlie didn't get the memo. 

When it was time to finally blow the candles, Fred and George had the biggest smiles on their faces. 

"Speeeeech" yelled Charlie smirking at Fred. 

"Well" said George standing up with his glass of cheap champagne in his hand. "I'd like to thank you all for coming, it means the world to us. This has been such a weird year, and full of surprises. But also I think Fred and I can agree that we've discovered new parts of ourselves. That being said, let's get things straight, I am not. And while I had a little help to figure things out" him and Bee winked at each other at the same time. "I'm happy that I am comfortable enough to tell you all now here. Because I love you guys the most. Fred, the floor is yours."

"Thank you George" he stood up. "Welp. I think I have to thank you guys. Georgie, 17 years of mischief, brother. Let's keep messing with people forever. Lee, my boy, you are a powerhouse, thank you for always having my back. Mum and dad, thank you for always taking care of us and providing for us, you are the best parents one could ask for. Ron, thank you for not snitching when we mess with you, you make life colourful. Bill, Charlie, you guys are a pain in the ass, but you've taught us so much, you have been great role models. And last but not least, " He said turning to his girl "Bee, my partner in crime. I admire you, I'd- we'd be so lost without you. So cheers! Happy birthday to us!" 

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