27. Torture

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"No!" Fred said running to the place his girlfriend had been seconds before. "No. No. No. This isn't happening. No."

Sirius couldn't move, he lost his daughter for 12 years because of a Death Eater and now he had lost her again. Just like that. He felt his body go numb, his mind racing. 

"Hey, Padfoot" Remus tried to shook him out of the trance. "She'll be back in no time. This is not your fault."

"Why would they take her?" said Fred, his eyes watering as the situation started slowly sinking in. 

"The Prophecy..." Whispered George looking at Harry. 

"Excuse me what prophecy?" said Charlie in a serious tone. He didn't like the sound of it, not one bit.

"Remember when Pucey tried the little stunt in the Great Hall and tried to Crucio her and nothing happened?" Started George.

The lot nodded, knowing about the situation.

"A child of tinted blood, acting in the name of love will be able to bring back to life, and speak to those who have parted, being able to not be subjected to a number of curses. The Dark Lord will come for her, and she'll save herself in an act of true love. Powers come with consequences and the continued use of them could drain her life in order to give it to others." recited Remus. "She has a muggle mum, therefore she isn't a pureblood, she brought back Gabrielle from death out of love and not a second intention. If Voldemort is back, she'll want her so he can bring back to life Death Eaters." His voiced lowered a little, knowing what came next. "Of course if she isn't able to help him, he'll kill her. And if not, she might die saving people. We can't be sure."

Fred was sobbing on the floor, Bill trying to calm him down. 

"No! No I can't calm down! It's not your girlfriend out there kidnapped by some Death Eater!"

"Your what now?!" said Harry, Remus and Sirius at the same time. 

"We are not doing this right now. Not when Bee is missing." Fred standing up. 

"Where are you going?" George asked, scared of his brothers reaction. 

"I'm going to look for her." Fred said getting out of the place. 


Bee woke up in a room she couldn't recognise. Her head was sore, and slowly she began remembering what had happened to her. All she could think of was the panic in Fred's eyes as she left, playing with the ring he had given her. She had acted without thinking, and as much as she did it to save all of them, and specially Harry, she couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving without a fight. They were probably worried sick. 

She sat up, taking in the sight. The room was rather fancy, she expected to be kidnapped somewhere with less silky sheets and a couple more roaches. And then it hit her. She'd stay in there as long as she was helpful. They wanted her the powers, but she was not going to give in. She didn't want to be a bad guy. 

There was a soft knock on the door. She prepared her wand up, and expected the worst. Instead, a woman with kind eyes met hers. 

"Hi, I see you are up" she said softly. 

"Who the fuck are you? Where am I?"

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm against all of this. I just came to check up on you, and tell you I'll be sneaking food to you. You are just a girl, you shouldn't be doing this."

"Who are you?" she repeated. 

"My name is Narcissa Malfoy. I trust you know my son Draco."

"Yeah, I do. He's an ass, no offence."

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