48. Oh, brother

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"Professor we swear we didn't do anything this time why is Harry getting taken away right now?" asked Ginny very confused following Harry with Ron and Hermione. 

"Mr Potter didn't do anything wrong, however he has got a rather important visit." McGonagall said smiling. 

She opened the door to reveal the girl inside the classroom. 

"Bee!" Harry said running to hug her "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" 

They all hugged Bee, almost being unable to contain herself. This felt like a home she hadn't been in a while, the place that had seen so much of her life. And now it was her past. 

"So?" said Ginny. "Everything okay?" 

"I just came here to tell you we have a date for the wedding. But because it is really close to when you guys finish classes, I thought you should know now. Fred had a busy day at the shop so I'm here to deliver the news."

"Yes! Finally!" said Hermione. "So? When is it?"

"July 12th. And before you panic, Harry. We have asked the Ministry of magic for a special permit, and you will be able to attend. You'll be under my watch for three days." she smiled. 

"Wicked!" said Ron. 

"Now if you guys could give us a second alone, I have something importante to tell Harry." Bee said. 

"You are not pregnant are you?"

"Ronald!" groaned both Hermione and Ginny. 

The lot made their way outside, and Harry looked at his sister. She had thought about this a lot. And although Charlie, Bill or even Arthur would have said yes in a heartbeat, Harry was the perfect fit, they were their own little family after all. 

"Harry I've thought about this a lot." she said grabbing his hands. "I want you to walk me down the aisle. You are the only one who can fit my dad's shoes here, and you are my little brother. Remus will be the one marrying Fred and I and you are the only one I want to do this with."

"Bee are you sure? This is a big thing you are asking me here."

"Harry you are my family. And I'm sure dad would have wanted this, bean, it just feels right to have you by myside. You have always been there since Year 1 to hold my hand when things go south and it is only right you hold my hand as I go into the biggest adventure of my life. There is no one I'd rather be walking down that aisle with. To honor Sirius' memory in our own little ways."

Harry started to tear up, as he hugged the girl. 

"I love you so so much Bee. This is such a honor..." he said smiling through the tears. "Will I have to dance?" 

"Not the father daughter dance, that is for Moony. But you are dancing with me. AND! You are taking Ginny, don't think for once I don't notice how you look at her. It's lovely but like, do better bean, make a move." she laughed at a blushing Harry. "Come on bean, we don't have a first dance at the wedding but I thought we could have our own little first dance. Come on." 

She went to the little record player she had found, which Harry had not noticed and pulled the record. Sweet Creature, by a singer called Harry Styles. Harry took her hand and put the other one in her waist as the guitar started playing. 

"This is not our wedding song, but dad told me this was the first song they listened with James when he ran away to the Potter's when he was young. I thought it was only fitting that we danced to it." 

The two swayed to the music, in silence. Taking in the moment. 

"You truly are home Bee." Harry said hugging her. 

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