46. Fighting, talking

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Bee was a little upset with Fred, but she could understand that he was not keeping track of time, not like her at least. Today marked 6 months since Sirius had died, and she still didn't know how to really cope in another way that wasn't throwing herself into the café. However, she couldn't help but notice how he was dressed for work that morning. Not a word about the date. And it was bugging her a little. He was at the graveyard with Harry and Remus, the same way they were the day they had the wake for him. 

"So Bee, where's Fred? I thought he would've wanted to be here today." asked Harry, who had permission to be there with them. 

"At the shop. I guess he didn't remember." she said, her eyes not leaving her dad's grave. "You know today it's one of those days where I would need Sirius more than ever. Can I tell you both something, no freaking out please?" 

Remus got tense at her words. Harry looked at him as if he wanted to say Not today Remus, not the day to freak out.

"My period didn't come this month. I think it might be the anxiety but if not I might be..."

"Pregnant." said Harry finishing the sentence. "Does Fred know?" 

"No, no he doesn't. I don't know if I want him to know just yet. I don't know I don't want to get his hopes up if it's just an anxiety thing. Plus we might be a little to young to have a baby."

"You are not far from the age your parents had you at" said Remus smiling sadly. "Have you been you know, careful?" 

"Yes! I mean I think so, but there might have been a time or two where we drank a little too much and forgot about it. I don't know. I don't want to stress about it but I'd like dad to be here right now, crack a joke or two, scold me and then tell me what to do. Doesn't help at all the fact that I still haven't seen them in my dreams again." she said, rubbing her face with her hands. 

"Do you hear her mate?" said Remus to the stone in front of them. "She is asking for a scolding!"

"Oh sod off uncle Moony" she said laughing lightly. "You know guys, I'm glad we are our own little family. We'll always have each other." 

The three of them made still a little conversation and decided to go back home and Hogwarts as it was getting a little late for them to be out. Bee walked inside the joke shop, and George had kissed her cheek as soon as she walked in, being fully aware of the day and offering her a reassuring smile. 

She scanned the place for Fred, her heart dropping to her stomach at what she saw. Before jumping to conclusions she decided to sneak on him and eavesdrop just to see what the fuck was going, and she was right. A really pretty brunette girl was flirting with Fred, twirling her hair between her fingers, touching his arms and giggling at whatever the ginger was saying. And much to her surprise the absolute git was flirting back. He was even flexing his muscles for her. The girl left when the twins were to close the store, giving Fred her number and sending a wink. Fred laughed at her actions, shaking his head, his laugh stopping when he turned around to see his fiancé's face. 

"I'll leave you two alone." said George going up the flat, debating with himself if he should or not cast a muffliato down at the shop, knowing exactly what was coming and telling Lee about it. 

"Listen love I-" Fred started. 

"Hell no Fred. I cannot believe you right now!"

"Oh come on it was innocent flirting, it meant nothing, don't be like that."

"Don't be like that? For fuck's sake Fred you are openly admitting you were flirting with another woman you even took her fucking number! How daft can you be?" she didn't mean to be rude but she was just so mad at Fred. 

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