31. Little Girl

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"Uncle Moony?" she said softly. 

She could hear the soft cries of Remus looking outside the window. 

"Talk to me, please?"

"You know, the first Christmas back from Hogwarts, you could stop talking about the twins. I knew you would end up living with them at some point. I just thought me and Sirius could have you to ourselves a little more. But it's hard. You'll always be our little girl. The little Bee who would run around the cottage so that I wouldn't tickle her, the same Bee who would give me puppy eyes to give her just a little bit more chocolate, now is a woman, with a plan for the future. You are slipping through my fingers. And as proud as I am, it hurts."

"I understand uncle  Moony." She said resting her head on his arm. "But I'll always be there for you, you know? You raised me when dad couldn't. You gave the happiest childhood I could ask for, and I'll be grateful to you forever. But it's time to grow up. And Fred loves me, and I love him. We've talked about this for ages. I'll be behind the counter at Diagon Alley, just come see me whenever you miss me. I know I'll visit you whenever I do." 

"Does he treat you right?"

"Who? Fred?"

Remus nodded. 

"He does. He has been taking care of me for years, but now we just put the label on it. It feels good, being in love. I can look at him and know that things will be fine. He is the one."

"I know how great it is to be in love."

"Have you been in love, Uncle Moony?"

"I have... We were together for three months but he had eyes for a woman in particular, and I'm happy he did, because they were meant to be. That's the beautiful thing about love Bee, it comes in different definitions." 

"You know, it's never too late. The two of you deserve to be loved once again, go for it." 

"You do know who am I talking about, don't you?" 

Bee simply hugged him and left. 

Truth be told, Sirius would always be Remus' love of his life. He chose her, and he was happy. After all, without them, there would be no Bee. The girl was a light in his life, a light he felt like he had to let go of, just like he had to let go of Sirius when they were 15. 

Maybe he would. Maybe he would try to rekindle things with Sirius again. They had time, no one was going to die anytime soon, right? Maybe Wolfstar still went strong. 


Lee and George had been figuring stuff out. George had changed around him. He was a little more clingy. He'd laugh a little harder at Lee's jokes. And he had caught himself blushing from time to time if their eyes met. 

"So you like him? You like Lee?"

"Yeah, and I can't like him. Bee we are moving in together as friends. And he doesn't like guys."

"Not that you know of."

"How awkward would it be? If he rejected me right now I mean."

"You are telling me you two would not have made up in the year you still have together at school? Sorry bubs, you are better than this. I get that you are scared about this taking a toll on  your friendship, but don't put yourself in the worst case scenario. Look at me and Fred. George it took us years and that was time we could've had together. And what did you tell us? To be a little braver and bolder next time."

"You think he'd like me?"

"He adores you as it is, Georgie. Let him figure things out, maybe this is new for him too." she reassured him as they hugged. 


"Literally if I give anymore love advice today, I will have a stroke. Did you know my dad and Remus had a thing?"

"Yeah, Wolfstar." said Fred getting ready to cuddle in bed with her. 

"And you didn't think to tell me? You are an ass Fred." 

"So we are moving in, aye? It feels nice."

"I reckon we should leave the flat with a little furniture before we go back to Hogwarts."

"Why is that?" 

"Because we own a flat we can literally sneak out to if we're horny or need privacy, duh."

"I like how you are thinking, darling. Now, the important matter. Your birthday. We are sneaking out, so I'll come knock on your door at 8. I'm still thinking about the dresscode, I'll get you back on that one." 

"Fred we don't have to do much. Really." 

"Um excuse me we forgot last year, so this year will be memorable. We will be old and wrinkly and you'll remember the day as if it was yesterday. That is the goal."

"You know Fred, I'm happy I met you." 

"Because I'm a great boyfriend? Well duh, I know." he smirked. 

"Will you shut your mouth for a minute? I was going to say I'm happy I met you, because not many people can say they've met their person at 11. And that person being a best friend. I love you so much Fred, and I don't tell you enough. I love you as much as I love my sunflowers."

"You think I'm your person?" asked Fred running his fingers through her hair. 

"Well yeah... I've known for a while now. I knew when we danced at the ball just like I knew every time we read together at the Burrow.  You are home, Fred."

Fred hugged her tight, as much as he could. 

"I think you are the one, too. I know we are young and all that bullshit, but it took me 6 years to get the guts to ask you out. And I'm not wasting our time anymore. I don't want my life to be like Percy's. I want us to have fun. I want us to have breakfast together and then read together when I come home from the shop, be 70 and still prank each other. That's what's great about falling in love with you. I fell in love with my best friend, someone who has accepted the light and the darkness. And I'm not letting you go anytime soon." 


Sweet little chapter to give a few things about what is coming and to finally start seventh year, which will be eventful, I have many ideas and we will see a more mature side of the foursome. Thank you for reading <3

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