51. The Wedding pt.1

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"Lee!" Bee shouted from Ginny's room at the Burrow. "Have you seen my shoes?"

"Listen when I agreed to help you on your wedding day I thought you'd be the calm one!" 

"She is, you should see Fred!" said Ginny. "Oh my Bee you look so pretty!" 

"She does, now leave, I need to do her hair" said Lee.

The wedding was set to be that afternoon and The Burrow was a mess. Molly had been crying since she woke up, Angelina, George, Tonks and Bill were setting up the tent, Charlie and Lee were helping Bee get ready, Arthur would be the one greeting guests as they arrived, and Hermione and Ron were in duty to calm Harry and Remus down. 

Bee and Fred had been getting more and more nervous as the time approached. Bee was already ready, she had been for hours. All that was left was her hair and makeup and a little pep talk from Angelina. Fred on the other hand was livid. It had downed on him it was the day he married the love of his life and he needed things to go smooth and he was having a fit. So much so he was now trying to open the room on Ginny's room. 

"Let me see her! I wanna see my girl!" he shouted banging on the door in a really dramatic way. 

"Fred, no! It's bad luck!" she said. 

"We're wizards how is luck a thing for us?" 

"Leave mate!" shouted Charlie. 

"Can I get a kiss? I'm nervous. You would kiss me when I got nervous before Quidditch matches." he said softly. 

Lee got out of the room and covered Fred's eyes, as Bee stepped out to kiss him. 

"You go the kiss now go change Weasley!" 

Fred went to his room to change, and George made his way to his brother. 

"You okay, Freddie?" he asked. 

"It's happening Georgie. I'm marrying her... I just oh my god I can't believe this is happening." 

"None of us can, mate." laughed George. 


"Trust me Freddie, everyone here knows it's you two against the world. Besides, you've found the one. And she is your best friend! How cool is that?" 

"Can you do my tie for me please? I'm shaking way too much."

Angelina opened the door of Ginny's room, and the feeling this gave was like being back at Hogwarts. 

"Okay Weasley, sit down!" Lee, Bee and Charlie all sat down, "I meant Bee! Now, girly, this is your wedding day. I have been waiting for this day since you owled me saying you kissed Fred. You are marrying the love of your life, and you are one lucky bitch. So, you will walk down the aisle flawlessly, and you'll make us all cry with the vows. Even Snape! You'll have the time of your life because you deserve it. You deserve all the love you are going to receive today! All of it!"

"Yes ma'am!" she said before Angelina left. 

"Did you have those pep talks too when you were at Hogwarts? My god I feel like a bad bitch and it wasn't even aimed to me" said Charlie. 

"Yes! Is Remus ready yet, Lee?" Bee asked, eager to walk down the damn aisle and marry Fred. 

"He is, everyone has sat down, and Fred has made his way to Remus, so I guess this is time then." 

Bee walked down the the stairs, spotting a very nervous Harry. Since Bee and Fred shared their friends since forever, they decided to have no best man or maid of honor. Their friends and Fred's siblings would simply walk down the aisle and Lee would be the flower man. Fred thought he was going to die if he had to wait anymore time. He looked at his mum, who gave him a thumbs up, and the man visibly relaxed. 

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