21. The second task

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Bee was taking a walk around the castle when a pair of arms grabbed her. 

"Fred what are you do- Oh hey Minnie, please don't give me detention!"

"I'm not here for this, now follow me young lady, you have been called to Dumbledore's office." said Minerva. 


"Have you seen Bee?" said Fred at breakfast. 

"No, 'Mione is missing too." said Ron with his mouth full. "You nervous Harry?"

"Eh, a little. I mean, I know it'll be in the lake and Neville helped me figure things out. But I'm not sure I can do this without a little pep talk from Bee, I have a bad feeling."

"It'll be alright, mate" said Lee. 

By lunch no one had seen the girls, and Harry was anxious to say the least. He got changed and  left for the lake, followed by Ron and the twins. Both of them had skipped on the bets, worrying more about their friend than anything else. 

"Hey Harry" said Fred. 


"I... I know this is not the same because it is not from Bee. But you've got this, mate. Really you'll make her and everyone proud. You've faced tougher stuff than this, it'll be a walk in the park. You got this, we'll be here waiting for you." said Fred putting a hand in his shoulder. 

"Thank you Fred" said Harry truthfully "I really needed to hear that."

Harry put the little plants Moody got him and suddenly felt like he was choking on air. He jumped onto the water at his mark. He swam until he saw her. Harry understood fast what was happening and swam to his sister, trying his best to free her from the little chain made of enchanted sea weed. Harry was stressed, Krum and Diggory were already out of the water, and he knew he had to get Fleur's sister out too. 

Meanwhile, outside Molly and Sirius where with the kids, waiting for Harry to get out and comforting a pretty scared Hermione, who had at last confirmed that Bee was in fact, deep down the black lake. This didn't make Fred any less anxious, as the clock for the ending of the enchantment was slowly running out. 

"She'll be okay Freddie, stop worrying" George said to his twin. 

Fred just nodded, his eyes not leaving the water. Suddenly Harry emerged from the water not only with Bee but with Gabrielle too. When they were approaching the docks, Harry noticed something. 

"Bee, Gabrielle is not breathing, I think she might be... you know..."

She swam to Gabrielle and looked for a pulse.

"Shit she is dead. Fuck... Let me just" she said setting her hand in the back of her neck. 

Suddenly there was a little spark and while Gabrielle's eyes shot open, Bee's world went black. She felt her body turn numb and her lungs fill with water. Sirius knew what had just happened, just like George. They had seen Bee use her powers for the first time. And the aftermath of said powers. Everyone was panicking, and soon enough, Dumbledore's wand was in the water. 

He got out Bee's body, which Madame Pomfrey carried to the hospital wing. Sirius and Fred walked behind her. 

"Hello? Hi?"

Two ginger men approached her. They looked oddly familiar but she couldn't quite place them. 

"Ah, you must be Bee" said the one dressed in orange. 

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