104. Earn it back

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Arthur Weasley had unknowingly saved his son's marriage to Bee. A new object had just been brought to him, a muggle baby monitor, and he immediately pitched the idea to buy one to Bee, so they could keep an eye on whatever was going on in the flat with the baby. It had taken Fred a few days to figure out that the whole encounter with Jessica had been recorded and therefor, he had proof of what happened. 

He felt bad for what happened at the beach that night, he shouldn't have left her in there. But he was panicking inside, so he just left before he could say anything. And now, having her again in his arms, watching her eyelashes resting softly on her cheeks and her body fit into his like their own little puzzle was sweeter to him that anything at Honeydukes. He had a second chance at fixing things, and he wasn't going to waste it. 

And so, they spoke for hours when she woke up. Fred showed her the recordings, and he got on one knee again claiming he'd marry her again if that meant forgiveness. Truth be told, if Fred could remarry her everyday he would. They decided they'd go together over at Charlie's and grab a her things, moving in back together. 

What they had found apparating back at Charlie's was truly something out of a horror movie. Dimitri, one of his best friends had been found by the man himself in his doorstep. He didn't look much better than Angelina, but the magizoologist had something she didn't. They had carved the word Uncle across his shoulder, and he had been tortured too. It didn't take a genius to figure out why was he targeted and who did it, but Charlie felt so sad, the spark of his rage was unable to turn fully into fire. He had to see his nephew, sister in law and now friend being tortured by a petty woman with a hunger for power. 

Charlie ushered the couple out and got into bed, not without taking some samples of the hair and apparating the body back to the cabin back at Romania, not really knowing what to do. Maybe it would come in handy later, but as of that moment, Charlie needed time. Not the kind of time he'd get at Romania, but the kind of time to heal and bloom again from such fate. 

Draco sat the down on the house lost in the middle of the beach. He never thought one of his friends would end up in a house like that, full of such weird... stuff. But that is what happens when you move in with Luna Lovegood. Maybe afterall Slytherins and Ravenclaws were an interesting match. He inspected the cup in his hands, waiting for his friend to answer. 

"It's too complicated."

"Come on Blaise! It's not. You get your gold, I get revenge. Plus we could save the baby." 

"Draco this is not that easy. We're talking about infiltrating Death Eaters. They will suspect straight away." 

"We'll tell them I got broken up with, really badly. And that now I want revenge. Plus my fa- Lucius will stop at nothing to have his family again. Plus we are from Slytherin, they will like that more than anything else we can tell them."

"What about Luna?" 

"What about her?" 

"I just leave her here?" 

"No, no! Of course not. In fact!" Draco took the little ring box out of his pocket. "I won't be needing this anymore, but I think you could use it. As long as you come home to her, you'll be okay. But you and I know, we can do this. We can fight!"

"Ugh why do you always drag me into this. Reckon Pansy will be up to help?" 

"No, I don't think so. She changed so much after the war... I think it was because her husband was killed in there."

"Who did she marry?" 

"Don't you know? She ended up marrying Adrian, Adrian Pucey. But he got killed in battle. It was an arranged marriage, but as always Pansy ended up falling for him. Out of a horror story, really." 

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