110. Dublin, Mullingar

820 20 24

"Say mother, I'm your new mother now. Come on show me your powers!" Bellatrix demanded in the small she was staying in. "Listen to me, you little minx, they'll know I'm not your mother and I know you can understand me. So get to work, and start calling me mum. I won't hesitate to hex you." 

But Sirius was his mother's child and had gotten her and his grandpa's attitude, so he just stuck his tongue out and giggled. He was smart enough to know that was not his mother, and in fact, someone he couldn't trust. When you are the child of Fred and Bee Weasley you of course know swear words from a very young age, something that was driving Bellatrix nuts. No one wants to be seen with a baby that will scream random swear words just because, plus she had no love for the child, only the greed for power. 

"I'm getting tired of you, either you start showing your powers soon, or I start showing you what are unforgivables." 

"Fuck you!" The child screamed giggling. 

"You are lucky this is a muggle accomodation." She muttered, going to for supper and leaving Sirius blabbering in the room. 

Truth be told, Bellatrix did not know how to care for a child, that was what Neville was used for. She'd bring bread, maybe some scones or chips for the kid to munch on. But Bellatrix had found out not everyone can be a parent, a propper one that is. 

The actual parents of the child were not that far from them. They were always so close, but never enough. While Bellatrix was in Dublin, Bee and Fred were in a little town called Mullingar. They were enjoying Ireland so far, Fred would constantly compare the green scenery to her eyes in order to cheer her up. They felt like two teenagers in an adventure, only the adventure in question was saving their son while pregnant, and Fred predicted it was twins, something they couldn't know yet. 

Fred hoped for twins, maybe a little Fred and George of their own, who'd go to Hogwarts, make Minnie turn in her two weeks notice, find their Bee and Lee and watch them grow up. Baby Sirius was a handful, but Fred just knew he'd be so excited to be a big brother. He imagined him running around the garden while Bee sunbathed with her very big bump and a lemonade. Fred Weasley never knew he'd love being an adult so much, but maybe it helped the fact that he had the love of his life holding his hand no matter what. 

"So, dinner tonight?" Asked Fred. "Are you craving something?" 

"You know cravings aren't a thing yet, right?" 

"But I still want to treat you to dinner, my love." 

"Hmm, actually, some junk food in bed? Pretty please?" 

"Would you fancy some cheeky Nando's?" 

"What on Earth does that mean Fred?" 

"I don't know, I heard it from some muggles and it has cheeky in it so it has to be good, right? Just stay in here, rest a little, and I'll bring you some food. I want to haves those chicky nuggers we have sometimes." 

"Do you mean chicken nuggets?" 

"But it doesn't taste like chicken!" 

After arguing if the food was in fact chicken or not, Fred finally made his way out. Bee stood up, and took her shirt off, looking at herself in the mirror and for some reason she felt a little insecure. Of course Fred still found her the most attractive being in the universe, but she felt far from that. 

Here stomach was like a book. It had scars from literal battles, and her fingers started to trace the scar that hurt the most. It was his father's cell number, the carving Bellatrix had done the day she had taken Sirius from their lives. It was a constant reminder of that day, a constant reminder that the woman who had killed her father now had her son. It was a reminder of how she couldn't save him, how he was taken away from her way too soon. She would barely look at it, she couldn't. 

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