123. 3 smiles as the world caves

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(A/N: My flowers, someone very dear to me and my family has passed away recently (you know how covid is, you never know how it'll end), I just wanted to thank you for the sweet response to the last gentle reminder, via comments and dms. They've been a huge help navigating grief and loss. I'm posting whatever I had already on drafts for all my fics, but I promise to post at least 2 chapters of Sunflower before my birthday, just to get back on the flow of things.)

Sirius watches as James and Remus play with Bee. He's happy, he's got his love by his side and his little girl, little Arabella, being the most loved kid in the Wizarding World.

"What are thinking about, darling?"

"Look at our little girl, Ane. I just- she's my pride and joy. And she is going to grow up with us, and James and Remus."

"And Peter?"

"I don't know about Peter. He has been almost avoiding us for a little while. But if he wants to be part of her life, he can. He'll be uncle Wormtail. He's my friend, he'll always be welcomed here with open arms."

"You are too good for this world, Sirius."

And Sirius smiles, for there has not been a time he's felt this happy. He smiles because even though every time he closes his eyes he can hear his mother screaming that he is not enough, his daughter is a reminder that he has done something beautiful.

"I fear the day someone breaks her heart."

"Why'd you say that?" Asks Lily, who has just started to show.

"Because I can't imagine a day not hearing her laugh, or watching her smile. Plus she's my daughter, she's going to be breaking hearts left and right."

"I bet Minnie is already putting her two weeks in. A Black and a Potter two years appart. A prankster legend and a Quidditch legend."

"They are going to be the happiest kids, aren't they?"

And Sirius smiles one more, because he thinks this is forever. He thinks that Peter probably has some secret girlfriend. He thinks no one ever is going to break his daughter's heart. Sirius smiles at the sheer thought of walking her down the aisle, watching her graduate from Hogwarts or simply, kissing her forehead before going to bed as she whispers faint sleepy words of adoration to him.


Harry watches Bee from his seat in the common room. She can feel his eyes on her, so she looks up, sending him the warmest of smiles.

Slowly, Harry walks over to her, as she sets aside the book she was reading. He silently places his head on her lap, and she begins to play with his raven locks, something she has learnt that calms him down.

"What's up with you, Bean?"

"I felt jealous of Ron today. And I feel bad about it."

"Why? Talk to me little one, I'm listening."

"I guess I'm just jealous of the Weasleys, they have such a bond. What if- What if I was gone like Ginny has been? Would people look for me because they care for me or because I'm the Chosen One?"

"I can tell you me and Molly would be leading the search party I'll tell you that much." Bee half jokes. "I would jump in front of a curse if that meant keeping you safe, Bean. You're my little brother."

"Yeah but-"

"No buts, Haz. I know the feeling. Everytime Molly hugs me, I feel jealous and hurt that I'll never experience that from my own mother. But it's not about the number of people around you, is about true, quality bonds. So what if only, the Weasleys, Hermione, Moony and I come to look for you? Who is going to love you more than us?"

Harry finally allows a small smile in his face, knowing that although he felt lonely, he wasn't actually alone. He has plenty of love he just needs to learn how to accept that love. Accept the feeling of being cherished after years of being rejected.

"Exactly! No one. You might be the big, mighty Harry Potter for some, but to us you are just Harry. Our Harry."

"You are great at making me feel that, did you know that?"

"It's a sibling thing!" Bee gasps, giggling.

Harry finally laughs. Ginny is somewhere down the Chamber, and has a whole search party for her. But Harry knows, as selfish as it sounds, he'd have people searching for him and it makes him feel good.

Harry smiles, because he has found calm in the chaos inside the green of his sister's eyes. He has found his little family, a family that won't starve him under the stairs. A family that cares for him in such a beautiful way.

And in that moment, Harry decides that he was going to protect her at all costs. Harry decides to become an Auror because he wants to protect the little family he has found, even if it's protecting Bee from just a nasty, broken heart.


Fred and Bee lay in the grass. The sun shines and they have shy smiles decorating their young faces.

Last night, Fred took a leap of faith. He had asked Bee to sleep in his sleeping bag in the Great Hall. He had woken up being the luckiest man in the world, wizarding or not. He had his love asleep on his chest.


"Yeah Freddie?"

"Do you think we'll be best friends forever?"

"Dude I'm going to be mad if we don't. I don't know if I can imagine a life without you. Or Georgie. Or Lee."

"I'm going to marry you one day."

"Would you? Marry me I mean."

"Listen if by the time we're 20 I haven't proposed you have full permission to kick my ass. Like, for real. I'd be dumb not to."

And they silently smile. Fred has the biggest grin in his face. And Bee simply can't believe Fred has asked to marry her in the future.

Fred takes a little courage and he laces his hand with hers, holding his breath as he hopes she will never ever let go of his hand.

Because that is how the story is supposed to go. It's Fred and Bee. Bee and Fred. Hand in hand until the end of times. And maybe life sucked. Maybe Sirius had escaped prision, maybe Bee felt like she wanted to run away from everything most of the time. But laying in the grass, holding Fred's hand under a warm ray of Sun... It was her happy place. A place she knew she wanted to be able to come back to forever.


I know this is annoying but I'm still undecided about what will happen next.

Please, please take care.

I love you.

You make me happy.

- Berts <3

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