49. The parents of the bride

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"Oh my god finally!" Bee said seeing where he was. "Hi, hello, your favourite alive kid is back!" she giggled. 

"Ah, there you are!" said Gideon. "We were waiting for you!"

"Oh my god I have news for all of you!" 

They walked a little down the cloudy path finding her parents, James, Lily, Fabian and Marlene.

"So we set a date!" was the first thing she said when she saw them.

"So?" Sirius asked. 

"July 12th. At the lake at the Burrow. I have literally everything, just waiting for the day, really." she said smiling big. 

"Who is you know... Walking you down the aisle?" James asked what everyone seemed to wonder. 

"Well, since Fred asked Remus to be the one to marry us, so I asked Harry" she said looking at The Boy's parents. "I thought that you know, he's been a little brother to me for years now, it only made sense to me he did. Also" she said turning to Sirius "I'm wearing the heels you bought me for the Yule Ball, and your jewellery mum." 

"Oh my girl is all grown up" said Ane looking at her. "Can we see the dress? And the veil?"

"Wait how do I do that?" 

Bee closed her eyes, and imagined herself in the wedding attire, the outfit now on her body. 

"Well that was easy." 

"Bee you look great" said Sirius in tears, "Oh Ane, love, look! It's your flower tiara!"

"I thought it would be a nice touch." she smiled, drying his dad's tears. 

Ane made her way to her daughter, finally being able to touch her. Bee had waited years for this moment, and the second she knew she could, she hugged her mother like there was no tomorrow. The lot watched this happen, Ane's hand stroking her hair. 

"I'm so proud of you my darling girl." she whispered before pulling away. "Now, go change. We have to talk."

"Now?" Marlene asked. 

"I think it's best she knows before the wedding." her mum said. 

Bee did the same to change, and sat down between her dad and James. 

"Okay, now I'm kinda scared, I don't like your faces..."

"Bee. There is a battle among you. You should go into hiding after the wedding."  said Sirius.

"What?" she said not understanding anything. 

"Listen all that stuff about the Horrocruxes... Lies. It's a fucked up plan from Voldemort so Harry get's distracted and he can lure him in. They have Draco and Narcissa against their will as death eaters too, so you can trust them." said Marlene. 

"What about Lucius?"

"Lucius is an abusive prat that dragged two innocent people to the dark side. That man has never loved Narcissa, but she was madly in love with him for years, he just took advantage of that and manipulated her."  said Ane. 

"So, I have to tell Harry not to look for the Horrocruxes, right?" 

"Yes, and tell him he is not alone in this fight. He is more than capable of doing this. But you have to fight together or this can go bad, big time. So, right after the wedding, everyone must go into hiding. Use proteans to communicate. When the time is right, you guys can see one another. But please trust us." said Lily. 

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