11. Back to school

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TW: Sexual assault

The train back to Hogwarts was always a tiring experience for Bee. Literally the 9 hour ride was just a nightmare at times. There they were, hour two of the train ride. Lee, Bee and the twins were sharing the compartment and had already said hi to everyone.

"Wizard's chess anyone?" said Lee. 

"I think I'm going to take a little nap" said Bee already closing her eyes. 

"Wait" Fred stopped her "I don't want to here you complain about your neck hurting like the last five years. Come here." 

Fred opened his arms as Bee sat on his lap, cuddling to him as he wrapped her arms around her. 

"Better, now, go to sleep love."

She just hummed in his neck as she fell asleep. The security Fred gave her was enough for her to fell asleep fast, knowing nothing would happen to her. Plus he was comfy. 

"Is she asleep?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, I reckon she is." said Fred eyeing her. 

"So, when are you going to tell her?" said George.

"Oh my Godric not you two too please, not this again" groaned Fred. 

"Listen Fred at this point it's overdue." said Lee. "What else do you need to see? Dude we all know."

"Okay but what if she doesn't feel the same? She could do so much better."

George looked like he was going to slap Fred. 

"Are you kidding me? Do you see me in Lee's lap sleeping? No. Plus it's the way you look at each other that gives it away. You are the other's soft spot. Everyone can see. And she is what you deserve Freddie. A beautiful strong girl, who makes you the happiest kid on earth. You two deserve to be happy with each other, don't deprive yourself of that."

"Well then what do you suggest?" said Fred looking at the girl, smiling at her. 

"Well I have some information..." Lee said smirking. "This year Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard tournament, and that means dear Freddie boy, you get to take your lady to a ball."

"A ball?" 

"There's a tradition that comes with the tournament. And that is the Yule Ball. So my suggestion is take her to the ball, make a move. Think about it, Fred. You can slow dance, it will be in December so you can have the mistletoe excuse and if you manage to be brave enough by then you could be taking her as your girlfriend."

"Blimey that would sure be lovely..." said Fred. "Where did you get that information anyways?" 

"I don't reveal my sources, ever." winked Lee. 

Fred thought about it, a ball. Oh to be dancing again with her. But this time in the great hall, in gowns. Taking her hand and spinning her around, her laughter filling the room. And she would stare into his eyes and suddenly George would make a little mistletoe appear and they'd kiss. Fred couldn't help but blush at his thoughts. He'd for sure draw that when he got to the dorm room. 

About three hours later, Bee opened her eyes, Lee and George fast asleep in front of her. 

"Good morning, love" said Fred grinning. 

"How much did I sleep?" She said burying her head into his neck and cuddling him again. 

"Three hours. You know, you could sleep through a war." he said stroking her hair. 

Meanwhile, on another compartment, Harry just couldn't keep to himself anymore.

"Guys I need to tell you something, I literally can't keep this to myself anymore, it's eating me."

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