65. Last Christmas

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Smut warning ;)

Fred and Bee had been going at it ever since the girl had woken up. First it was gentle love making, but being horny young adults got the best of them. It seemed like the risqué factor of the possibility of being caught had them both loving the sneaking around when a muffliato and locking the door didn't cut it anymore. Furthermore, they had the brilliant idea of experimenting in bed with what they had. Maybe it was simple tying the other up in Fred's work ties, or more specific and out of normalcy things, like pouring hot candle wax on the other. 

There had been an idea pondering in Fred's head for days now. He wasn't sure how she'd react to it because well, trauma. But the thought of it had been making Fred hard for days. So he thought now that they were almost naked, and very much horny, it was the perfect time. 

"Can I try something new?" said Fred panting between kisses. 

"Haven't we been doing that? What is it?"

"Knifes. But! I want your full consent on it. It doesn't need to draw blood or anything." 

"Sure, I trust you Fred. It's not like you are going to stab me." She laughed lightly. 

Fred got up from their bed, and sneaked into the kitchen, grabbing the same knife Molly had been using to cut carrots for supper. He locked the door and whispered muffliato, knowing damn well he was going to make her scream. He blindfolded her, leaving her body at his mercy. 

"I want to hear you scream tonight, darling." 

"Yes, Freddie." 

He grabbed the knife, her skin covered in goosebumps when the cold metal touched her skin. Fred put the sharp part of the knife against the straps of her bra, cutting it as a gasp escaped her lips. He did the same to her underwear, dragging the knife down her stomach, avoiding the carving of Sirius' Akzaban number previously carved by Bellatrix. It felt weirdly arousing to her, this whole thing. 

"Fuck, Fred. This feels good." 

He started tracing little shapes on her thighs with the tip of the knife, as he lowered his mouth onto her core. 

"Don't move, love." 

Fred was eating her out like he had never before, almost like he had been deprived of her touch for years, and it was making it really difficult for her to stay put. Her hands were tugging at his hair, and the rings on Fred's fingers were going to leave marks on her thighs for sure out of holding her down.  

"Scream for me, darling, who is making you feel this good?"

"You are, Freddie." 

"Good girl. You taste so sweet for me." 

As she came in his tongue, Fred's hand made his way up to her throat, choking her lightly as he made out with her. He sat her up, sitting her on one of his thighs. 

"Ride my thigh for me, love." 

She nodded, the feeling one of Fred's hands still on her throat while the other was pressing on both her waist and the knife. Bee was on overdrive, feeling overstimulated still high from her previous orgasm. Her little cries were heavenly to Fred. He took off her blindfold, her head back in pleasure only to have it held straight back by Fred. 

"I want you to look at me while you use my thigh to get off." he said while holding eye contact with her. 

Everytime Bee's eyes would close in bliss, Fred would make his grip on her throat a little tighter. She could barely grind on him anymore, shaking in absolute pleasure as she came a second time. It didn't take much for her to do so, Fred knew how to work her body so she could be rolling in pleasure constantly.

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