79. The test

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If you had told Harry or Draco a few years back that they'd be sitting in a bathtub watching someone pee on a stick holding hands no one would believe you. But they there were, Harry shaking anxiously, Draco holding his hands to stop himself from shaking in excitement and Bee peeing on the pregnancy test. 

She had suspected she was pregnant after missing her period and feeling a little sick in the mornings. But she got nervous and didn't know who to call, having lost a pregnancy during the war, she didn't know how she'd react to a positive test again. It was the third time she had done this and it didn't get any easier. So she called Draco (who was now under Lee's wing to become a doctor at St. Mungo's) and Harry (who didn't think twice about leaving Auror training abruptly when he got the news) to ease the tension, just a little. It's safe to say both boys were more nervous than her. 

"Okay, fuck, what does it say?"

"Don't swear around the baby Malfoy!" 

"Okay please both of you calm down. We have to wait 5 minutes still and if there was a hypothetical baby growing in my uterus it's still a clump of cells it won't learn swear words." 

"What if it's twins?" suddenly Harry thought. 

"I refuse to birth twins this young, I have already two big ass toddler twins to take care off, I don't want two more." 

"You are joking right?" Malfoy asked panicked.

"Mostly, yeah. I don't refuse giving birth to twins but it would be a mess."

"What about godparents?" 

"Well we still haven't talked about it, I'm guessing Fred will want Georgie to be the godfather, but I am still not sure at all." A little ding sounded, meaning the 5 minutes were up. 

"I can't look, I simply can't" Said Harry taking off his glasses. 

Bee took a deep breath, and looked down at the the stick. A smile crept up her face, and she could feel Draco trying to take a look from over her shoulder. 

"Potter! Potter! It's positive!" Draco jumped shaking Harry, the both of them jumping like little school girls. "Baby Weasley it's one the way!" 

"How are you going to tell Fred?" 

"Oh shit I didn't think of that." 

Harry and Draco continued to celebrate together, as Bee pondered how to tell her husband they were finally going to be parents. She decided on leaving subtle hints about it all over the house for him to come back. First she decided to make some bread and put it in the oven. Then she decided to think of subtle ways to drop the hint. 

"What is this heavenly smell?" Fred asked, entering the kitchen and pecking her lips. 

"Oh I made bread, there is a bun in the oven."

"Great, darling!" He said. 

Still not a clue. The next hint was not so subtle. She had placed two rubber ducks into their glasses of soda, one pink and one blue. 

"What's with the ducks?"

"I thought they looked adorable" she smirked. 

"They are my dad's favourite thing in the world." 

"Aw, bless Arthur, honestly." 

She was having fun with this, but she changed her approach rapidly, just wanting to get the news out. Fred noticed the little smile she displayed, knowing there was something she knew but not being able to put the pieces together. 

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