127. Baby I'm yours

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Bee woke up terribly exhausted and with her three best friends all near her. She smiled, thinking back at their school days where they'd wait at Poppy's to wait for one of them to get better. The good old days. In that silly little moment Bee understood many things, but mainly how she had missed her boys, and how no matter how fucked things were, the second she was in distress they were willing to help no questions asked. 

"You're awake!" Said Fred's raspy voice from beside her. 

"I am, and you should rest a little more, you look tired my love."

"I haven't been sleeping okay without you in my arms." Fred admitted 

"It's okay, I'm here now." She said making some space so Fred could lay down with her. "Sleep some more, Freddie." 

It took Fred next to nothing to just fall asleep with Bee in his arms. It felt like home for both of them. In the end, home is where the heart is. And Fred's heart, his universe and his reason to be was right where she belonged: his arms. The twins were healthy and cute, ready to go as soon as Bee recovered. 

She felt at home, but she felt like crap. She was tired too, and all she wanted was to cuddle Fred Weasley and some chocolate. And seeing all 3 of her babies. She was about to fall asleep when Molly entered the room and ushered out Lee and George. 

"Is everything okay?" 

"All is mostly well, dear. I do fear I have some bad news." 

"Oh Merlin is it the twins?" 

"No, oh no. They are fine, this is regarding Jessica." 

"Freddie, can you wake up, please. This is important." 

Fred woke up from the urgency in her voice and the sound of the name he never ever wanted to hear again in his life. Molly took a deep breath. 

"A body was found in her backyard, the boy named Mateo. Apparently they had made an unbreakable vow because he owed her, and she took matters in her own hands."

"Well, shit." Said Fred, "But how does this concern us?" 

"The Ministry know of your relation with her. They found out as well she has used unforgivables, one on yourself, Freddie. They need you in the courtroom to speak against her case, to see the sentence given." 

"Well, okay." 

"They also want you to speak Bee. They know she had a personal Vendetta against you, and your words are really important. You are too considered a victim in here. They would make Sirius speak too, but he is far too young, so you will have to represent him too." 

Bee took a deep breath, this was just a little step towards finally being happy. She was okay with it as long as it meant Jessica ended up in Azkaban once and for all.

"There's more, isn't it?"

"Bee I need you to know this is not your fault-"

"Please just say it." 

"They have used Veritaserum on Jessica and she has admitted to seeing you use an Unforgivable too." 

She had, twice. Both Lucius and Jessica were on the receiving end and it had just downed on her this was not an easy one to get away from. If they found out she had killed Greyback and Bellatrix was dead too because of her, she would be in a really shitty mess. Thankfully, they had no way of proving either of the last two murders. 

"They want to hold a trial for you too."

"Whatever it takes to end this, Molly. I'm not running away." 

"But love, you'll go to jail."

"No I won't. Draco can't testify for me, but Neville was there. We obliviated Oliver but Blaise was there too. He can easily tell how much of a shitty parent Lucius was. Shitty enough to kill his own son. I won't ask Narcissa to speak, Merlin knows I won't make a mother and a victim go through the burden of an abusive husband and the death of his son for this. Blaise and Neville were there, and that's all I need."

"Are you sure?" 

"Fred I'm not going to go to jail with three kids to raise. I can't. This is not their fight, but I know they will help if I ask. Jessica going to jail means we are free, but it also means no more Death Eaters. It means we can all catch a break." 



Molly left and they simply hugged tighter, the nightmare was so close to an end. Two trials and their were free, it couldn't be that bad. 

"We'll have to ask Sirius about what happened..."

"Can you do it, Freddie? I don't think I can sit through it."

"Sure, love. It's almost over, we're almost there. We're going to just go through this, win the trial and then we can go home and do nothing. At all. Or we can do everything, say the word, your wish is my command." 


"Wait, listen. I want you to know that I love you and I cherish you. Merlin knows it has been a bumpy road for us but I just need to show you that you are the one who holds the universe in her eyes. We can do whatever you want, anything. I want to hear you laugh again, and wake up to your pretty face and your huffs when things don't go your way."


"I just want to hold you, Bee. Every time we are apart all I can think about is coming home to you. I think about you in my arms, I think about what are you doing. Everything reminds me of you somehow. And I'm so happy about it, because it's a constant reminder that I can hold your hand, that I can kiss you. It's a reminder of me seeing you on the common room being eleven and thinking I'm going to marry this girl. And we did it. We made it Bee."

"Freddie baby I'm yours. You had me at hello and I honestly? I don't think I'll ever stop being yours. We are made of off the same stardust."


My lovely garden of flowers, 

Sorry this one took forever, but this chapter and next one made me a little emotional. All I can say is Neville Longbottom I love you. Also uni it's kicking my ass and of course as much as I love writting some things come first. 

Please! Drink some water and eat something. I'm happy you are here and I'm so fucking proud of you. You deserve to be loved and cherished, celebrated too. The world is a better place because you are in it, you literally light it up. 

Berts <3

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