Author's note 2

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I can't even begin to tell you guys how much it sucks to be writing this at 7 am in the morning. You can skip to the next chapter whenever it is posted, but this is bad enough to post here and not in my feed.

As you know, whenever I need a break I'll explain why because I believe you all deserve an explanation. So bear with me because this is a long one. You don't know this but I moved out at 18 to another city to pursue my carreer, which means for the last couple of years I've been living in different places, until I got to the flat where I'm currently staying with 7 other people. A few weeks ago a guy moved in, older than most of us and he was a little creepy to begin with. 

Yes, this is going south. The man has been sexually harrassing most of the ones of us who look like girls via text (and irl) and the situation got ugly really fast. Most of the other girl's are exchange students which means I am the one handling the situation (legally speaking) since I'm the only native. And it has taken a toll on my mental health because yes, we still have to live with the dude. 

Also, the girls who have been nagging me about Draco's death won't stop after weeks of posting the damn chapter and at this point I'm debating deleting the chapters until those because my god they are harsh and while I love you guys and the support, it's been weeks and it is getting to me, and it makes me feel incredibly stuck with what I write. 

That being said, Sunflower is going on an s hiatus. I promise I won't pull a One Direction and ghost us all. In fact maybe in a couple days I feel up for it and post a chapter. I don't know I just need to sort everything out, I'm exhausted. And it sucks because it has some people catching up to the last chapter posted.

I love the community this fic has created so much. Either if we have spoken in the comments or over dm's you are beyond nice to me. And don't let this stop you! I love talking to you guys, some of you follow me on tik tok and if you need anything I'm more than willing to be there for you as I have always been, the dm's are always open and you can contact me via that, tik tok or twitter really. You are not alone, I've said it before, you have a sister for whatever you need here. 

If you happen to miss my writing, I'll still be posting Letters Home (Charlie's fic) because it doesn't have many readers (which means less pressure for now) and chapters are shorter. Just please don't forget about Sunflower, I love this story as much as you guys do and it breaks my heart to do this. 

All my love and be kind to yourself, 


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