107. A ball pt.2: Grief

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"Avada Kedavra!" Bee shot back, watching the lifeless boy of Lucius Malfoy fall into the floor. She shot another spell making the body banish, before ushering the two remaining men to get the body outside. 

She had done, she had used an unforgivable one on someone, and she prayed to Merlin no one had seen her do so, because that would mean one thing: Azkaban. She followed the boys outside, rapidly doing so. She could still use her powers, she could bring him back, it wasn't too late. She knelt in front of the body and put her hand on the back of his neck, slowly feeling dizzy at her life being transferred onto the man. 

"Stop it" said Draco weakly from beneath her. "You are too weak, you'll kill yourself." 

"Draco stop! I know I can save you!" She sobbed. 

"Thank you" Whispered Draco with the last of his strength. "You have given me a family and a second chance. You have done enough. I love you, please remember the good -"

Draco Malfoy had died in the arms of the woman who had given him a second chance at life. But deep inside, Draco had died a happy man. He had what he had always wanted, a family, he was helping people as a healer and had made amends with the people he had wronged. But most of all, he had died surrounded by something he had lacked so much when he most needed it, he had died surrounded by love. 

Bee was sobbing uncontrollably on his chest, he had lost him. Charlie gently pulled her back and let her sob onto his chest, cradling her in order to calm her down. Fred wasn't back, and him and Neville tried the best they could to calm her down. It wasn't until a flashing thought ran through her head that she promptly stood up, leaving the two men stunned. 

"Where are you...?"

"I'm going to fetch Blaise so he can come here and mourn his friend while I go get Harry and Sirius." 

"Bee you shouldn't-" 

"Neville, she just lost a brother, she can't lose another one and a son." 

"But she's all bloodied up!" 

She didn't have time to answer them, she was already going inside, careful not to get caught. It was infuriating to her how after all, the ball still kept going. The people carelessly danced around as if someone hadn't just died in her arms minutes ago. It wasn't fair. Bee thought long and hard about where could Harry be. And then she saw her, and before Jessica could say anything, Bee had already said the spell. 

"Imperio!" Jessica's face went blank. "You are going to lead me to where Harry is, and then, you are going to write a letter to Rita Skeeter, anonymously, telling her all about how Death Eaters work and how you tried to seduce a married man in order to steal a child, locked in a room until you finish. Serves you right for trying to sleep with my husband."

The woman lead her to the same room Regulus was hen Fred and Remus had found him, Bee knowing damn well the room it was as soon as she saw the door and the scratches on the frame from when Regulus tried to fight getting in. 

"Open the door, and fuck off from here." 

Jessica did so, going to write to Rita about the whole thing. Bee found Harry terrified on the floor, looking up at her in awe and relief. His sister was okay. It didn't take long for Harry to run to her and hug her, the both of them sobbing into each other's shoulders. Bee was the one to pull away, cupping his face and drying his tears with her thumbs. 

"Bean you are okay." She whispered. "Oh thank Merlin."

"What is going on?" 

"Come on." Bee took his hand and both of them sat on the bed. Harry knew this was bad news. "Everyone is fine... But-" 

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