108. The article, the pendant

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" 

"Lee showed me and besides, when have I failed you, love?" 


Hand in hand the both of them strolled down the halls of the castle, they had been doing that quite a lot usually. It was their fifth year, and they had started to stop shying away from each other. It was more than evident they had a crush on each other, and nightly walks around the castle were just an excuse to have time to themselves, it was their little secret moment at night were they could stop the world for a moment. 

That was until of course Lee Jordan saw Fred and Bee past curfew laughing in a corridor. In Lee's mind they were off somewhere snogging, when far from that, they did something a lot more intimate: they spoke. They told each other everything, everything but what they had longed to say the most. 

They made their way to the little room where either Filch or Lee would do morning announcements when there was such thing. 

"See? I just press this red button and press play in the muggle thingy and we lock the door, it buys us a whole lot of time! Come on!" 

All my loving by The Beatles started to blast throughout the corridors of the school, as the two of them ran to the furthest corridor posible before running to the grass just before the Quidditch pitch. 

"May I have this dance, my darling lady?" 

"Well of course kind sir!" 

This time they didn't take their dancing seriously, they just jumped around and twirled giggling, the ginger boy dipping her occasionally, each time placing their faces a little bit more together. After the song ended and the next one started, Fred pulled her to the corridor next to the grass, the both of them still laughing until they heard the roars of Filch, making them run away, Fred pulling Bee with him. 

Both of them ran until Fred saw a corner and turned it, leaving Bee against the wall. Both of them were panting and Fred's arm rested above her head. He placed a finger in front of her lips as to shush her, and sent a wink her way, making her blush like crazy. Suddenly, the hand on Bee's lips dropped down to her waist holding her tight, his fingers brushing her skin. 

Their faces kept inching closer and closer, their breaths became one and their cheeks went scarlet. Their eyes couldn't stop going from their lips to each other. Fred's hand travelled back up to cup her cheek, their lips brushing and eyes closed until of course, Filch.

"Students out of bed!" 

"Freddie? What are you thinking about?"


It was one of their final mornings inside the flat, ready to move out completely. They had been waiting for days for the article to come out and make a move on Bellatrix in order to get Sirius back. When Rita takes her time, you know it will one hell of an article. So their mornings had been a mix of sweet kisses and nervous gazes to the Prophet. 

Fred was leaning against the kitchen counter when he reached for her, while she cut some fruit for the both of them to have with their tea. 

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