14. An invitation

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"Yes Freddie?" she said gently. 

She was pissed but Fred didn't have to pay for that. Plus she was curious about what he had in store for her. 

"Come on, I wanna show you something." he said grabbing her hand. 

Fred put a blindfold over her, and started leading her somewhere. She couldn't see that Bill had joined them, and at some point they had lifted her into the air. 

"Fred what's going on?" she asked now kinda concerned. 

"Love, just trust me okay? Trust the process."

Fred and Bill led the floating girl to the Astronomy tower. She felt her feet touch the ground and called for him again. Bill sent him a wink and went down to his mother again. Charlie was already waiting for them upstairs. 

"I'm right here darling" he placed a hand in her shoulders. 

"So are you going to take the blindfold off me or...?"

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry" he laughed nervously. 

Her eyes opened slowly, trying to get used to the light in the room. 

"Oh hey Charlie! Are you two going to throw me off of the Astronomy Tow-" she cut herself before she spoke again, a child like gasp escaping her lips. "Oh my god are those dragons? They are so cute!" 

Fred grabbed the bouquet of sunflowers while she wasn't paying attention, hiding it behind his back. 

"So," he cleared his throat. "I know I'm a bit of a sap, but I can't imagine doing this with anyone else, and I'm also willing to match my tie to your dress, in fact I'd be more than happy to. That being said..."

He turned around, her eyes following what was going on. The little dragons were flying around a banner that read "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?". Fred was hiding again behind the bouquet, scared of the rejection. 

"Yes, Merlin yes! I thought you'd never ask!" she practically jumped on him, hugging him tight. 

Charlie chuckled and silently left the room. 

"These are beautiful by the way" she said taking the flowers. "Also dragons! Freddie you thought of everything, thank you."

They looked into each other's eyes. His hand made its way to her cheek, pulling her close. 

"May I?" 

"Of course."

He kissed her almost pouring all the love he had for her into the kiss and she just melted to the touch. This kiss wasn't full of passion like their make out sessions or awkward like the first one they shared. This kiss was tender, it was a statement. It was Fred saying he was not going to throw away his shot. It was Fred saying that he would bring her all of the stars on the sky just to make her smile, cause stars shined for her and no one else. Fred Weasley had never been too sure of many things, but he knew that if he could stop time and frame that moment for all eternity he would, because he had never been so sure of what love meant. 

They slowly and very much blushing broke off the kiss, both smiling like idiots. Fred's thumb tracing small patterns over her cheeks. They got lost in each other's eyes, almost as if they were looking at them for the first time ever. Fred's thumb traced her lower lip just before she spoke. 

"So..." she cleared her throat. "Can we play with the dragons?"

Fred chuckled at her words and nodded. They were playing with the small dragons careful not to get charred. They lost track of time with the little creatures, only to be found by Bill and Charlie. 

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