29. Best Friends

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Lee, George and Fred had made it very much clear. They were going to take turns taking care of Bee as long as she couldn't walk. No one else. They would brush her hair, Fred would help her change, and bring up her meals. They just wanted for her to feel at home, to feel loved. 

They had noticed she had been a little sad, something in her mind. She'd never tell, but she had been replaying Bellatrix words a lot in her head. 

The four of them were in her bead, Lee was braiding her hair (him and George had demanded Ginny to teach them so they could do her hair when she came back). Fred had his head against her lap, he had been crazy touchy and protective over her. George was just supervising Lee making sure the braid looked nice. 

"Hey guys?" Bee said softly. 

"Yes darling?" 

"You do still love me right?" her voice barely a whisper. "I know I missed our anniversary Freddie and I'm literally so sorry. You guys have been waiting for a long time and I feel guilty. I didn't mean to leave like that."

Lee stopped braiding her hair almost on cue. 

"Bee we could never stop loving you." said Lee. 

"Yeah, Lee is right. You are a part of our family, always been. We could never hate you." George said looking at her. 

Fred couldn't hear them. The only thing he could hear was the sound of his heart breaking at the thought of Bee thinking they could hate her. He could never. 

"Come on bubs, I'll bring your supper up" said Lee, jumping off the bed. 

"I'm coming with" said George following him. 

"Do you really think we could ever hate you?" finally spoke Fred. 

"I don't know Freddie. Bellatrix was so sure, she made me fear you did honestly. She said that if you guys wanted to rescue me you would've done it earlier, and now I just feel like a burden for the Order and you guys."

Fred knew exactly what she needed. Lee and George came back up, feeding her. 

"I still have arms, you know?" she giggled. 

"How come everytime we try to spoil you, you complain? Sit back and enjoy, miss thing." said Lee laughing too. "This woman I swear to god." 

Woman.  Bee would be 17 soon. Tonks had promised something fun but Bee wasn't sure about it. How much fun can you have at Grimmauld Place? 

"By the way, Bee, there's something we wanted to talk to you about." stared George. "Lee and I have been going to Diagon Alley and well, Harry gave us the money of the tournament and we've found the premises for the shop."

"Guys that's great!" she almost jumped off the bed. 

"But there's more." said Lee. "There's an abandoned café next to it. And both of them have a flat above it. I'm still going to try and be a healer, but we thought this was a great opportunity. They are willing to save the space for you, and if you like it, we could all move in. You know, like we've always talked about."

"Yes! When can I go check the premises out? Guys we've wanted this forever!"

Fred smiled at her. He had been looking at her a lot in silence lately. He liked it that way. She had been nursed back to health, and it was clear to him that she looked more like a woman than last summer. He had started noticing more and more little things, like the way her eyes would spark and her nose would scrunch up while reading. 

"I'm sure Fred will be more than willing to take you sometime soon." George said.

"Of course, love. I'm dying to take you on a date, we could sneak out." Fred suggested as she nodded. 

Fred shot Lee and George a look they understood and excused themselves out of the room. 

"Oh don't look at me like that darling, I think they have a thing for each other, I'm making them a favour." Fred chuckled. "Now there is something I've been meaning to tell you. I have asked Remus to teach me a little Spanish so I can tell you, this and do it a way closer to your mum. So bear with me." He said taking a deep breath. "Te quiero."

Bee froze for a second.

"You love me?"

"Love you? Bee I am so in love with you it hurts. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts, finish our final year together, take you on dates and piss you off just because you look cute when you get mad. I can't wait for Remus to chase me around with a pan in his hand because you have a hickey and for my mum to invite us for dinner on Sundays just because she loves you more than me. And now that we are both 17 I'll take you dancing on Friday nights, and everyone will wish they were us. Everyone. I just want to shout that you are mine from the rooftops of every bloody house in England." 

"Fred Weasley, I love you." she said kissing him tenderly. 


"I promise I can walk!" she said walking downstairs to the kitchen. Finally, she had human contact again. 

Harry still wasn't back, but she had to surprise visitors, who had insisted on seeing her. Bill and Charlie had both taken a little time off work to go see their favourite future sister in law. They had started calling her Weasley instead of Black, which Molly had found amusing. 

"So Fred said the L word?" said Bill, sipping on his tea. 

"Not only that, he learnt Spanish to say it because he knew that my mum was Spanish." she said blushing. 

"I didn't think the bastard had it in him, go Freddie." said Charlie. 

"Also, he gave me this before this whole thing happened." she said showing them the promise ring. 

"Did he propose?" Bill said ready to go kill his brother for proposing to the girl so soon. 

"Bill what the hell! No. It's a promise ring!"

"A promise ring" Charlie laughed. "I called it. I called it."

"What do you mean you called it?" 

"Fred's first Christmas at the Burrow after meeting you. He was obsessed. Literally. He wouldn't stop talking about you. Bee said this, Bee said that. You've had the boy wrapped around your finger for years, it was a matter of time he actually put a ring in there. Even if it's just a promise one."

"He's never told me that" she smiled. 

"Of course not. But don't worry, we've been giving the boy hell with it for years. Just wait until the wedding speech."


Sorry for posting this many chapters at once but I'm literally so excited for them to finish school!!! So many plans but we need Umbitch for that. Sadly. But not to worry because one Oliver Wood is making a comeback soon. 

I'd like to thank you all for the 200 reads. It might not seem like much but I'm over the moon. If you are one of those readers, thank you. Even if you don't comment, even if you just silently read- it means the world. I thought no one would read this so 200 reads feel like a huge milestone. <3

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