9. Birthay

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Finally, Friday August 28th. Bee's 16th birthday. She woke up early and with a funny feeling in her stomach, nevertheless she went downstairs to find Sirius with two cups of tea.

"Morning dad" she said smiling. 

"Ah my little baby, happy birthday sunshine." said Sirius handing her a cup.

Sirius and Bee Black had a little birthday tradition of their own. Well, it was started by them both, then when Sirius got sent to Azkaban Remus took over and this year, finally was the two of them again. Every year, they would wake up early, and go see Bee's mum grave, and bring her white roses. Bee was looking forward to this, very much. They finished their tea silently and they apparated to the cemetery, white roses in hand. 

"Hey mum" she said sitting down in front of a grave stone. "Dad and I bought you roses. Your favourite!"

Sirius sat down next to her daughter, pride filling his eyes. 
"Can you believe our little girl is 16? 16!"

"Dad has been emotional all week, I wish you would had seen him!" She giggled. "He called me a baby this morning, can you believe the man?"

"Hey! Oh and honey she did so great in her OWLs! I'm sure you'd be- you are so proud of her. I sure am! Oh and as you can see I finally got out of that filthy cell. And they caught Peter. Also..."

Bee looked at her dad. Even after all this years, he still held such love for her mother. She had never seen a love so pure in anyone's eyes. It made her tear up a little. She never got sad in these visits, if anything it made her feel much more connected to her mother. Of course she had Molly when in need of a motherly figure, but no one could replace her. Bee snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her dad say:

"And she has caught someone's eye. I bet she has been breaking hearts left and right at Hogwarts." 

"Dad oh my Merlin, please don't. Don't listen to him mum, he is obsessed about me possibly dating Freddie, but it is out of the picture for sure. He doesn't like me that way."

Sirius held back a laugh. 

"You know, I thought your mother hated me at first."


"Yeah, but once we fell, we fell hard. I miss her, Bee."

"I know, I miss her too dad. But she's always with us." She said laying her head on his shoulder as he kissed the top of her hair. 

They stayed like that for a while, just talking. And they decided to go back to The Burrow. When they arrived, they saw everyone in the table. Apparently Harry had arrived that morning. Bee approached him with a huge grin. It felt like birthday present, finally having her "little brother" back. 

"Brother deaaarest" she said engulfing him into a hug and kissing his forehead. 

Breakfast went well, although Sirius noticed no one had wished Bee a happy birthday. The morning slowly went on. She had spent the morning alone reading in her room, while everyone chatted with Harry downstairs. She understood, the boy had been gone all summer, and she had been there. They had to catch up, right? She was sure that at lunch, maybe Fred or George would remember. Maybe even Remus. 

Maybe they were just pretending to surprise her later. Oh but who was she kidding. That thing only happened in the movies. She was called for lunch, which she silently ate. No one really remembered. No one but her dad. She felt hurt. Fred studied her features. Something was wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what. Charlie and Harry shared a look. They knew something was wrong. Bee was never this silent during meals. Sirius didn't want to say anything, but he knew what was going on. He knew they excitement of Harry coming home had overshadowed his daughters birthday and she was hurting. But at the same time, he knew she'd be mad if he said anything in the table about it, the embarrassment of everyone forgetting her birthday. 

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