83. Pink Frosting

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Fred woke up that morning with a missing body by his side. He groaned as his hand travelled the bed, looking for the girl beside him. Nothing. He got up, and checked the bathroom and the kitchen. Nothing. The café was empty as well. Where on Earth can a 5 months and a half pregnant woman be at 9 am in the morning.

His next stop was the Burrow. The house was silent, meaning Percy, Molly and Arthur were probably still sleeping. Fred decided to take a look around the property and when he still found nothing, he decided to get back to the flat. He decided to make himself a cup of tea as he made a mental map of all the place he could go to. 

"Morning sleepyhead" said Bee from behind him, kissing his cheek. 

"What the...?" 

"What's wrong Freddie?"

"You weren't in bed this morning when I woke up. How did you come out of the room?" 

"I was literally in bed all night Fred what on Merlin's name are you on about?"

"So you weren't at the Burrow?" 

"Not at all?" 

Fred was confused, but even more confused was Bee. She hadn't left the bed since last night, and Fred knew she wasn't going to the Burrow that week. Maybe Fred had dreamt stuff, he thought this was just a confusing mistake, like a dream like deja-vu. The same thing happened the following day. She woke up in pain, she described it as being sore from running around. And little scratches had appeared in her legs. 

She swore to Fred she had no idea of what was happening. She had never been one to sleep walk either, maybe it was the pregnancy. So the next night, Fred decided to put a little bell in the bedroom door to wake him up in case something happened. The flat was silent the whole night long, and yet again, Bee appeared out of thin air in the morning. 

"Georgie, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what's up?" 

"It's Bee, she's being really weird lately. Not pregnancy wise." Fred started playing with the rings on his fingers out of nervousness. "She does this weird thing, I wake up and-"

"She's not there, then appears out of thin air like she has been out for a walk in the forest?"

"Yes! How'd you know?"

"Lee has been doing the exact same thing."

"You don't think they're cheating right?"

"What? No! Fred how could you think that!"

"I don't know, do you have a better answer?"

"Yes, actually! I bought two baby monitors, and I'll leave them on tonight." 

Fred decided to do the same that same night. He had the little camera ready and he went to sleep with the comforting thought that tomorrow, he'd have some answers. Poor, sweet innocent Fred was met with more confusion. Upon checking the recordings, what Fred saw was even more confusing. She literally was gone, out of thin air. And hours back, she appeared. Like apparating unconsciously. But this wasn't part of the powers, nor the pregnancy. So as soon as Bee came back, Fred took her to St. Mungo's. 

"Would you be able to send us to Dr. Jordan or Dr. Malfoy, please? It's an emergency, my wife's pregnant. Tell him it's the Weasleys." 

"Dr. Jordan didn't come in today, but Dr. Malfoy will be here with you in a second, you can sit down in the waiting room." 

Fred thanked the old with at the counter and sat with Bee, who looked more confused and a little ill. She usually blamed it on the morning sickness, but today she had none. And still she looked sick. Bee rested her head in Fred's shoulder, still feeling sleepy. Draco soon came came to fetch the couple, and started running tests on Bee. 

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