58. Godparents

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Smut warning ;)

Bee had been waking up rather sad lately. She missed everyone, Narcissa still hadn't said anything, and it had finally downed on her just how much in danger she was, which prompted the guilty feeling living in her stomach rent free, because if she was in danger it meant probably everyone else was. 

The boys had noticed. She'd leave bed to go either to the beach or her grandparent's house, pretending that everything was fine. She'd make excuses not to have dinner, she wouldn't have breakfast either. The lack of mail wasn't helping. Fred had even tried talking to a little picture of young Sirius and Ane in hopes they'd hear him and help with Bee in her little visions. 

It was a late August night, nearing Bee's birthday. She was reading a muggle book her grandma had given her, and she just felt herself falling asleep. It was one of those summer nights were the breeze makes you feel cold, so she had been wearing one of Fred's sweater that on her looked almost like a dress. It was just way too comfortable not to let herself drift off.

Fred watched her with a small smile. He was in complete awe of everything about the girl, and he was convinced he'd die still in awe. He couldn't help but admire his wife, illuminated by the moon in his sweater, sprawled across the sofa, her book almost falling of her hands. Fred got up and put a bookmark on the page she had been reading so she wouldn't be grumpy and could start off where she left. His fingers traced her face, smiling without noticing it. But Fred's peace wouldn't last long, as there was a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door, quickly pulling the boy outside in. 

"He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?" asked George coming from upstairs, but shushed by Fred. George looked at Bee, sleeping on the sofa. "We should wake her up. She'll be mad if we don't." 

"Let me, and go get Lee." said Fred. 

He crouched down so he was face to face with her, shaking her body lightly. But she didn't move. So Fred resorted to the one think that would wake her up. He started placing soft little kisses all over her face, never touching her lips. Finally a little pout formed on her lips. 

"Why won't you kiss me?" she said sleepily. 

"Because I need you to get up, plus I have a surprise for you" he said in a really sweet voice. 

"Okay" she whispered as she got up, rubbing her eyes. "He's covered in blood again. Why is it he's always covered in blood?"

"I said the same!" George chimed in. 

"You haven't seen me in a more than a month and that is all I get?" 

"Sorry, bean, come here" she told Harry, hugging the boy as tight as she could. "Now sit on the damn sofa how many times do I have to tell you not to get in trouble? Why are you bleeding?" 

"If you must now I'm still learning how to apparate and I fell face first and I skid over the sand. It's just scratches." 

"Ah, like brother like sister, aye?" said Lee laughing. 

"He's just saying that because I scrapped my knee the other day, but lovely Lee here will kindly heal you for being a smartass." 

"Yes ma'am." 

"Have you eaten? Are you hungry?" Bee said, the older sister vein already coming out. 

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