33. Seventh Year

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"This is the last time we do this, it feels weird." said Lee watching out of the window. 

"Don't remind me Lee, we are actual fucking adults" said Bee getting ready to take a nap on Fred. 

The twins, Lee and Bee were on their way to Hogwarts for the last time, now of age and with a future ahead. Lee was the one who had to work the most with academics as he was going to become a healer. He had always wanted to help people some way, but after all those years at Hogwarts, after seeing the twins and Bee in the hospital wing so many times he just became fascinated with the job. 

Lee was excited about the future to say the least. But he was nervous about sharing a flat with George. Lee had never thought about boys. Not like that. But there was something about the way George would laugh, the way the light would hit his eyes just right that made Lee nervous. Still, he didn't want to make George feel like he was using him to explore his feelings, so he said nothing. He did nothing. 

And it was driving George crazy. He didn't plan this. No one plans falling for your best friend who doesn't really know if they like boys too. But George had fallen so hard over the summer. He had started looking at his best friend the way Fred looked at Bee. Maybe it was the way Lee's head fit on his shoulder while cuddling. Maybe it was the way they would catch each other staring. Maybe George Weasley was in love with Lee Jordan. 

George was excited about the shop. With the money Harry had given them, they would be able to open as soon as they wanted. Plus their best friend was working just a door away from them. He couldn't wait for the moment where he'd close the shop for the first time and have his chest filled with pride as they talk about it sat in the bean bags in Bee's café. He longed for the days eating take out on the floor in Bee and Fred's flat with no more homework and their lives ahead of them. 

Fred and George had the same question. Both of them wondered when would Fred work up the courage to propose. He knew it was crazy, he knew they were too young to think of marriage. But it was the one crazy thing he was willing to do without looking back. She was the one, there was no denying it and Fred was not going to let her go. He had bought the ring with the rest of the money Harry gave them just before the third task. Fred knew he was going to marry her one night in their dorm, where she had laughed so much at something stupid he said and he just knew. She was his person, forever. 

Fred however, didn't know the ring was not in his trunk, but sitting in his bed back at Grimmaulds place. 

"So Lee, Fred has something to tell."  George said smirking. 

"Not with Bee here, George" said Fred. 

"Dude she's asleep."

"What's going on?" said Lee very confused, "You didn't cheat on her did you? My god Fredrick I will literally end you, I swear to Godric!"

"What? No! Why'd you think that?" 

"Lower your voices and just tell her."

"Lee, I'm proposing."

"To me?" 

"To her, you dumbass!" 

"You what?" said Harry, Ron and Hermione from the door. 

"Great, family reunion" laughed Lee. 

"And with Bee, here. My God you are daft, guys" said Hermione. 

"So you are telling me you are planning to propose to my sister and you didn't think of telling me? Does Sirius know? Does Remus know? I'm sorry Fred you are not going to marry my sister and it's final."

"No one knew until you three barged in. And I am marrying her, ant not you nor Remus nor Dadfoot have a say in it. Only her. She is an adult and she will decide herself."

"What is going on? Why are you guys all here?" said a very sleepy Bee. 

Oh, the sheer panic. Minus Lee, the man was having the time of his life. 

"Lee and George are dating" blurted Fred in an attempt to cover things up.

Lee and George sat up, and Bee woke up fully. 

"Glee is finally happening? Ginny owes me money!"  she said happily. 

The rest of the train ride was great for everyone, George and Lee now having a pretend relationship in order to cover up for Fred. The second they arrived to the common room, they just fell onto the sofas. 

"You know I really don't feel like listening to the same speech Dumbledore's speech has to say for the seventh time." said Bee. "I really just want to eat the damn dinner, those elves really know how to cook a mean dinner." 

"You could eat me" smirked Fred. 


"Gross, you are in public, Fred." said Ginny from behind him. "Keep it in your pants dude."

"You know, the dorms will be empty, we could sneak in later" he whispered in Bee's ear. 

Bee just gave him the look. They waited for everyone to leave, and made their way upstairs, mumbling a quick Muffliato.

George and Lee saw the two of them, and Harry was panicked. He surely hadn't done it yet, had he? And then he saw them closer, Fred's hair was a mess, and Bee's neck had a new collection of hickeys. Harry knew many things, one of them being Fred wasn't dumb enough to propose after fucking in the dorms. 

"Mister Weasley, Miss Black, nice of you to finally join us." said Dumbledore, making all of the heads in the hall to look at them. 

One woman in particular stood out. She was giving the two of them nasty looks, almost as if she was telling them she'd make their year living hell for that. 

"What's with the pink toad?" Bee asked, looking at the woman. 

"She's from the Ministry, here to teach DADA. She interrupted Albus."

"I give her a week" said Fred smirking. "I think we know who we will be giving hell to this year." 

The lot continued eating until something caught Ron's attention. 

"Hey isn't that Errol?" 

The owl made it's wait to Fred, dropping a box into his lap. 

"Damn Freddie getting gifts already, should I be worried?" Joked Bee. 

Fred opened the box to find the little box with the ring inside it and a little note. 

"I think this belongs to you. You should owl me soon.

- Sirius"

And just like that, Sirius knew. 

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