119. You had one job, Fred

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Dinner at the Weasleys was once again pure and utter chaos, but Fred just had to flaunt his little family yet again. With Bill and Fleur out the country with Victoire, it left all of the atention to Sirius, who simply loved it. Now that he properly kind of spoke, he'd have long conversations with people, meaning of course he'd go on about trucks or dolls or movies with whoever would listen to him, this time being Reggie and Moony the poor souls who had to endure such monologues.

"And then the car goes KACHOW and runs vewy vewy vewy fast, do you want to see grandpa Reggie?"

"Sure, come on."

Regulus would never say this outloud, but this family functions were refreshing to him. There were so far appart from what he had to endure as a child. He was glad his brother's grandkid would grow up with a loving family and not running away at 16 like Sirius had done.

"Arthur can I have a word with you?" Asked Bee, looking to his father in law as Arthur nodded.

"I just wanted to thank you."

"What for dear?"

Truth be told, this pregnancy had helped Bee and Fred with a lot of soul searching and improving for one another and the kids. And things were going better and strong, being the two love sick puppies they had always been. But in all of their lives, there was an unsung hero: Arthur Weasley. And it was time someone thanked him.

"Fred and I have been doing a bit of thinking lately, and Arthur we just- we owe you big time, you know? You raised both me and Harry when we needed a parental figure, you care for all of us, you are such a light in our lives. And I feel we don't tell you enough. So thank you Arthur. Really. I admire you."

"Come here." Said simply Arthur hugging her in the verge of tears. "You don't need to thank me. You were part of this family the second the boys brought you home for the first time. You've had a really tough life, dear. And I admire you for standing here today."

"You do?" She asked, crying with him now.

"You grew up knowing your father was not meant to be in a prison, you took Harry in as your brother and protected him going as far as jumping in front of the killing curse to save him, you helped Remus since you were a child when there were full moons, and I could go on and on and on but dear, you always had a kind smile and friendly words when you got to the Burrow each summer. That is brave. And I admire you, and the way you love Fred. He looks at you the same way he always has."

"Damn Arthur, you are going to make me sob" Bee managed to choke out in a little laugh. "Thank you. You are truly an outstanding man."

And then, Sirius had to open his cute little mouth again. Of course this time it wasn't a swear word, it was much, much worse. Something that drained the colour out of Fred, making George and Lee giggle like little girls.

"You see grandpa Moony, I asked last Chistmas for another brother or another sister so I could pway with someone new but I couldn't decide, and then mummy and daddy made something like magic and now I will have both!"

Fred could feel his wife's wrath and his mother's eyes on him.

"You didn't tell her? Them?"


"Fred you had one job! I told friends you told family!"

"Yeah, right, sorry. Um we are pregnant with twins. Like, really pregnant. Boy and girl, we don't have a due date, when it happens it happens."

Lee and George were practically rolling with laughter as Sirius joined them. He didn't understand whan was going on, but he loved the chaos of it all. Molly simply had to swat Fred on the back of his neck.

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