54. Letters from home

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Dear Bee, 

I miss you. Like crazy. I guess I have been used to your company for so many years that now I just feel weird without your presence. Ron, Hermione and I are okay. Of course I can't tell you where but trust me when I say we are safe. Really. I hope guys are safe too. 

I'm not going to lie, I am scared. It just feels odd knowing something bad is coming but not knowing exactly what, I sometimes just wished I could have come and spent the summer at your flat, and do normal sibling stuff like fight over the last piece of toast or go to the park and chat for hours. I miss when I could just go to your room and you'd sing to me when I got upset. 

Ron and Hermione send their hellos and say the miss you guys too. I hope you and Fred are being careful. I think Romione will finally happen, still I don't want to give Ginny the satisfaction of winning the bet. 

I miss you, write soon please. 

All the love, 


"Who's that from, love?" said Fred hugging her from behind.  

"Harry, this whole thing is being hard on him. I just wish I could see him, tomorrow is his birthday and while I'm happy he'll spend it with Ron and Hermione... I just feel bad he is spending it running away when he should be coming of age with a proper wild party. Any news from Bill and Fleur?"

"They are okay at Shell Cottage. If we were to be found here, that's where we're headed. No sign of Death Eaters yet from anyone anywhere. I guess the hunting hasn't started yet." 

"Please stop calling it the hunting" Bee moaned. 

"Hey isn't that Remus' owl?" said Fred pointing the window. 

"It is! Finally!"

Dear Bee, Fred and Glee

Tonks and I are okay, however the hunt has started. They got Moody when he was out patrolling. I wrote to Minnie and Snivellus, Ginny is safe at Hogwarts. But we have to be more careful. From now on, please just write when necessary, and address it to Moony. There will be no funeral held for Alastor, as the Death Eaters have the body. 

I don't want you to panic, but keep in mind you are wanted for your powers. So you have to promise you'll be more than careful. We are all okay, aside from being a little shaken up about Moody. You guys should be safe here, and please lay low. You should probably become an Animagus too. Just in case you need to make an escape. And write now to your loved ones. 

I love you, be safe I beg you. 

Your Moony. 

"Bee?" asked Fred at the girl, who had gone pale. "What's wrong? Talk to me, love." Fred said running his thumb along her cheek. 

"They got Alastor... The hunt has started." Bee said to the three boys, who went as pale as her. "Also Remus sent some Mandrake leafs. We should turn into Animagus just in case something goes wrong. And we should write to everyone, asap." 

"Wicked" said George. "I mean wicked the Animagus part not the Moody and this whole war/battle starting, sorry." 

"Well, Lee you should write to your peeps, George, Bee, we should split everyone and get to writing." 

"Aye, aye sir!" joked Bee but stopped at the look of Fred's flustered cheeks.

"A Sir kink? Really Fred? I'm scarred for life" said George. 


Dear Bee and others (jk, hi guys!!)

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