85. Moony's Revenge

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Remus Lupin walked the Lestrange Manor with Fred, looking for Bee. They had divided into sections and decided to sneak in, in little groups. You'd guess for Manor they would be more careful, but Bellatrix probably thought she was being clever enough for the Order not to notice. Harry had wanted to go with them but then it would have been an off pairing. He had to be with Ron, two Aurors were better than one. 

They were assigned the second floor of the manor, and they quickly realized that the place was big enough for most rooms to be empty. Fred and Remus had never been so thankful for their humble upbringings. The Manor was as beautiful as it was empty and lifeless, nothing at all like the Burrow. Fred's childhood home had always been full of life and laughter, but it seemed to him the faintest of laughs would die as soon as they hit the grey walls. 

There were three more doors, but they suspected they had Bee and Harry in the basement, somewhere they couldn't hear the screams. The first one looked like a brand new nursery. Fred had the urge to vomit, this was where they wanted to keep the baby, but it was nothing like the nursery they had back home. Fred had painted the nursery a pale yellow, with Sunflowers over the walls. He drew in them Bee and him, but also the kid's godparents and the people he'd never get to meet, almost as if they were looking over him. Bee had placed toys all over the room, and a comfy couch so that if the baby cried, whoever had to stay up could do it comfy. It was a warm place to grow up in, and a room both of them felt truly proud of. And with loads of stuffed animals (and dragons, because Uncle Charlie was not going to miss his chance to spoil the non existing kid into being the favourite uncle) filling up the crib, and books they intended to read every night. 

This room, on the other hand, was blue, almost grey. There were no stuffed dragons, nothing. A plane crib that looked made of stone. No books to read putting silly voices. It was grim. It was no place to raise a baby, and specially not his. And just like that, Fred Weasley lost control over his body. 

Almost sobbing he started to rip the blue paper from the walls, on the verge pulling out his nails in the process of tearing it down. Remus closed the door and cast a silencing charm, letting Fred do his thing. It can't be easy for a future parent to see a room meant for his child in such a cruel place. Fred's fists had destroyed most of the room, his knuckles bloodied from punching the walls. He was now trying to destroy the crib that was in fact made out of marble. But he was only hurting himself more. Remus went over to the boy, peeling him from the crib as Fred sobbed on his shoulder. 

"Not my first child, Remus. The won't hurt them." Fred sobbed. 

"Bee and the kid will be alright. I promise. And he'll grow up with the most amazing parents, I have no doubt of it. This is just a set back. And if they come for the kid, remember you have a full army ready to rescue it. I promise you your kid won't grow up in this cult of evil." 

"You know what's the worst part?" Fred whimpered. 

"She is probably blaming herself right now." Said the two men at the same time, as Remus smiled sadly. 

"She can't help it, Fred. Bellatrix convinced her that she was the culprit of everything, and it is her child they are after. Sometimes there are words no amount of therapy can erase easily."

After getting Fred to calm down, they checked the hallway again. Of course it was empty. With their wands up, they checked on the second to last room. Remus followed the same procedure he had been following: door closed and a quick Muffliato. There was a man sleeping on the bed, who had not noticed them. To Fred the man looked oddly familiar, but Remus thought he had just seen a ghost. 

"Reggie?" He asked, unsure of wanting to hear an answer. 


The two men quickly embraced each other, over the moon to see a familiar a face in all of this mess. Fred studied the man in front of him. He didn't look malnourished, but he did look like someone on a very strict, non stopping diet. He had black hair and a beard, not too long, but not too taken care of. His clothing was for sure clean, but it had messily sown patches over the trousers and his clothing had been for sure been enlarged with magic. He looked like he had not been outside for a few years. And Fred was not far off from the truth. 

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