8. The Camera

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It was now mid August and Errol had 2 packages under his beak, along with 2 letters from Hogwarts. One was for Fred, the other one for Bee. 

"Dear students,

I hope you are having a fantastic summer so far. I know the school year has not started yet, but  you'll have a very special assignment this year. Inside these boxes are muggle video cameras. By the end of the year, you'll submit a tape about a topic you are passionate about. 

You have the whole year to record whatever you'd like, however we find fit you get them now, just in case you want to record any material at home. Any risky videos will be failed on the spot. And of course, the cameras are property of Howgarts, so if any of you break the camera you are given, you will have to pay full price. 

See you this year, and enjoy the rest of your summer. 

Att.: Professor Burbage."

Bee loved Muggle Studies. It was fascinating. Fred found her fascinating, so he chose that same class too. Fred knew he didn't want finish school, so he didn't really care about the clases he could chose. This assingment however caught his eye, knowing exactly the topic he'd make it about. 

"I think I'll make mine about music! And you Freddie?"

"Hmmm, I don't know yet" he said pretending to be thinking.

"You could make it about your family, you know?"

"You think so?"

"Are you kidding? You have a pretty interesting family Fred, it's great to see it from the inside. Maybe you should let the world have a peak at it, too."

"Maybe, but I like it for your eyes only."

"My eyes only, huh?"

Fred grabbed her hand and led her to the treehouse. This wasn't uncommon anymore, and two things happened up there since the blowjob. Did they talk about it? Nope. It just happened and they decided to go with it. What's the worst that could happen? Either Bee was reading to him or they were making out, now being the later. As usual Fred had one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. 

Their lips met roughly, passion consuming both of them. Bee giggled at the situation. No matter how passionate they were being, they would always laugh. They would always have fun. And Fred was very happy to learn that he had never feel more at home than hearing the girl inside her arms laugh against his lips. It was their own little bubble. Harmless fun, right?

"Wait" said Fred looking at the girl, "Don't move, you have a ladybug in your face, I want to record it". 

The boy run for his life and went back. She hadn't moved, but the ladybug did, now sitting on her nose. Fred started recording the girl, in utter silence. And then a blue butterfly landed on her hair. Fred was mesmerized by the sight. 

"Okay, enough, It feels weird having bugs on me."

They both laughed as Fred turned the camera over to himself and mocking her voice.

"Oh my Goooodric it feels weird having bugs on meeee"

She positioned herself behind Fred, looking at him with childlike wonder. 

"Fuck off Freddie" she said giggling and then kissing his cheek. 

Fred then left the camera on the floor while chasing her, and tickling her, unaware that their little moment had been recorded.


Bee was now reading in the living room when Molly approached her. 

"Dear, can we speak for a second?"

"Sure Molly, is there something wrong?"

"Fred came to me a few weeks ago. I had a long debate with myself but I'm here to do what's right."

Bee was confused to say the least.

"I know I'm not your mother, but you are a big part of this family, dear. I care for you as if you were one my own. Fred told me about what happened with that Adrian boy." Bee shifted uncomfortably at her words. "I know it wasn't his place to tell me, but honey, it can't keep going. Fred is worried. And I know Charlie is too. I'm not going to tell you that you are beautiful and that you should love yourself as soon as you get up from the couch. Because building yourself and loving the bits and pieces is not an easy thing to do. But you are extraordinary, and you deserve respect just as much as anyone here. So I have owled Dumbledore about it. I thought maybe if a parent complained he would actually do something. I know it's uncomfortable, but this is a serious matter, dear."

Bee had been holding up tears, she just hugged the woman who meant so much to her while she silently cried. She knew no matter what or where she was, Molly Weasley would always take care of her. 

"Thank you Molly. For everything you do for all of us." she said truthfully. 

"No need to thank me, at all." she winked at her. 

Molly got up from the couch leaving the girl reading again. She found Fred in the kitchen waiting for her.

"So? Did you two speak? Did she take it well? Oh my Merlin mum she's mad at me isn't she?" Fred asked her as soon as he saw his mum.

"Freddie dear calm down, okay?" she said in a really sweet voice to calm him down. "She did cry a little but she did not refuse. She is thankful we helped her. She's going to be okay."

Fred relaxed at his mother's words. Sirius entered the kitchen, his eyes fixating on the strange object in the boy's hands. 

"What is that?"

"Oh, it's just a video camera. It's like, moving pictures but with sound and stuff. It's for our muggle studies class. Bee's got one as well. We have to record a video on one topic and turn it in by the end of the year." he explained.

"Oh my, and what topic did you chose?" 

Fred's ears went red, almost as red as his cheeks. 

"Does she know?"

He shook his head. Sirius tried so hard not to laugh at the boy, and Molly was mentally making the sitting arrangements of the wedding. 

"You know, you should tell her." Sirius said.

"Tell her what?"

"That you are so in love with her that you are making a whole school project about her."

Molly took the camera from Fred's shaky hands. 

"How does this work, dear?"

Fred played the treehouse clip, a shy smile on his lips as he saw the tickle fight between the two of them. Sirius eyed the boy and made a mental note to talk to her daughter. 

"By the way, next week is Bee's birthday, isn't it?" Molly said.

"Oh Molly don't remind me, my little girl is all grown up" responded Sirius sadly. 

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