40. Goodbye, Umbitch

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Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Lee, George, Angelina, Alicia, Fred and Bee where at Fred's dorm. Bee was sitting on her hands hiding the ring. 

"So there are two important things you guys have to know. First off, we are leaving tomorrow. George, Bee and I. Sorry this was so sudden but we just don't see the point of ending the year if Umbridge is still here being a nightmare. Talking back is fun but there's only so much detention we can skip, and so many panic attacks I can watch my girl have. So stay in the dorms tomorrow and go out at five, we are going with a bang. We are going to be working on the shop and the café so feel free to visit." Fred said. 

"Is it final?" Asked Ginny sounding sad. 

"What is the other thing?" asked Lee wanting to jump of excitement. He just knew. 

Fred bit his lip trying to stop himself from smiling at Bee. 

"Oh my god are you pregnant?" asked Angelina looking at the girl. 

"Not pregnant, I am however engaged to a very annoying ginger man." she said smiling. 

"Oi!" complained Fred. 

"How did it happen?" said Alicia inspecting the ring. 

"We were just singing around. And it just kinda happened." said Bee smiling. 

"It didn't just kinda happen, this fucker forgot the ring at home this summer and your father found it. This has been going on for ages" said George launching himself to his best friend. 

"Five sickles mum faints" said Ginny to Ron. 

"I'll add another one and say Charlie will cry" said Lee.

The pair answered their friends questions as they made their way to dinner. Bee looked over at Umbridge, just happy that the woman would have to eat her own words. Not only she was engaged but she was engaged to the love of her life. Of course there had been other boys, how could she forget about the time she kissed Pretty Boy Diggory (in peace may he rest) and then the boy chased her around forever. But then again, it had always been Fred. She practically skipped to her classes and meals, and then back up to her dorm. They had agreed to spend their last night in the castle in the common room that had seen them growing up. But before all the packing, before their last night, she had two people to see. 

Bee walked the corridors of the place that had seen her grow up, stopping at the door of her favourite teacher after Remus, of course. 

"Professor McGonagall? Can we have a word?"

"Of course Miss Black take a seat. Tea?"

Bee nodded as she sat down in the seat in front of Minerva's. 

"So we are leaving tomorrow. The twins and I. I would've loved to have you hand me my diploma, but we can't do this anymore. But I did not want to leave without saying goodbye to you Minnie. You have been the best teacher we could ask for, not only putting up with our pranks but also giving us advice and taking us seriously. So thank you."

"You called me Minnie." Minerva smiled. 

"Oh come on woman!" Bee laughed. 

"You are really your father's daughter, something else" she laughed lightly. 

"There is something else..." Bee said smiling. 

"Is it about that little ring on your finger? I noticed at dinner." Minnie said smiling.

"Fred proposed. I know we are young but we are not going to get married any time soon. It just, it would be an honor if you could attend the wedding. I mean I'll send the information over to you and everything. But you have seen us grow up, and you have seen us become the people we are today, and most importantly, don't think we didn't notice you seating us together in your classes because you knew we liked each other. You  have to be there."

"It would be my honor to be there. Really. Now come here show me the ring it looks beautiful!" gushed the professor. 

After talking to the professor Bee made her way to the other class, this time entering without knocking. 

"Good night my dearest Snivellus!" she entered the room. 

"Why on Earth are you in here, Black?" 

"I'm here to inform you I won't be coming to your class tomorrow. Nor any others for that matter" she said smiling. 

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm leaving. But before I wanted to say something." 

"I'm listening" he said, dragging his words as per usual. 

"Severus, my darling love, we've been a pain in the ass for seven years, but we really do love you. As far as teaching goes you are one hell of a teacher, and the twins might not want to admit it, but your pushing for better grades will pay off when the store takes off. So thank you. Also I wanted to say thank you for getting Dumbledore to expel Adrian last year for harassing me. I know it was you, Lily told me." she smiled at him. 

Snape's face softened at her words. 

"Fred and I are getting married. If you want to come, just owl us. Just for old time's sake. No one will give you hell I promise."

"It has been an honor teaching you, Black. You have been a little more bearable than your father" Snape told her. 

"Bye, Severus. And thank you." Bee smiled as she exited the class room. 

They spent the night with their feet on their trunks as they sipped on tea, much like they did the night of their first day at Hogwarts. The next morning operation "Bye Umbitch" started rolling. They started simple at breakfast, putting some of their sweets at the teachers tables and an ageing potion in Umbridge's goblet. Therefore, the two first periods were dismissed, perfect to start part two. 

Umbridge was already plotting their punishment she heard giggles outside and upon checking, she fell inside a big toll of water. And then she realised. It was a swamp. They had planted a swamp in her office. She was ready to pull out the big guns, but before she had to swim to shore and dry herself. Oh, and go supervise exams. 

She was doing that when she heard the sound of fireworks. The doors opened as Bee and the Twins were flying in their brooms. Bee in Fred's broom, grabbing him for dear life. Five different fireworks started chasing Umbridge, three of them now resembling 3 huge dragons. The turned her pink cardigan black, as everyone laughed. They made their way outside, Umbridge following extremely mad. Bee had one last thing to say before she left. 

"Hey Dolores, he didn't broke it off. In fact" she held her hand up "he put a ring on it." 

They laughed and made their way to the their flats. 

"Home sweet home" said Bee as Fred hovered over her as they giggles where replaced by kisses. 

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