50. This is love

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Fred had been in front of the computer thingy for hours at Hogwarts with George and Minerva. Did they know how the muggle machine worked? Barely. But Fred had one last thing to do before the wedding: the video. 

"Okay what clip thingy now?" asked George, with the camera in his hands. 

"The Neville one, I reckon." 

Malfoy's blonde hair was the first thing you could see. Him and his goons had one of Neville's plants, and were passing it to each other, laughing at the helpless boy. Suddenly, a long light caught the plant mid air, handing it to Neville who ran away in tears. Bee appeared on the screen, with her wand held high. 

"If I see any of you morons mess with Neville again we will have several problems. Are we clear?" 

None of them answered. 

"I said are we clear?" she said being a little more aggressive. 

"Yes ma'am" said the three boys. 

"Thought so."

"And they never bothered the boy again, did they?" asked George. 

"Nope. I mean would you?" 

"Never in a million years." George said smirking. "Always there for everyone, our Bee."

Minerva nodded in approval. 

"And now dear?" 

Bee's hair, now ginger, was all over the library table as she was studying, well not anymore. This moment was caught by George, really randomly really. Bee had fallen asleep reading her lesson and Fred had been watching her so closely he had completely dismissed she was deep in slumber. 

"Fred" said Lee from behind the camera. "Fredders! Stop being creepy and help your girlfriend you git!" 

"Oh right." said Fred visibly blushing. 

Fred made his way to the girl, he pushed her hair out in a ponytail. He grabbed the books and put them inside her back. He stood there, studying his next move. He shrugged and hung her back over his shoulder and proceeded to pick her up bridal style, trying not to wake her up. He stuck his tongue out at the camera. 

"You two were destined to be with each other, Weasley." said McGonagall as she pressed the play for the next video, Fred and George smiling at what was going to come. 

"So" said Bee pointing herself at the camera. "Those little shits have left me here alone without the map. A map MY dad created mind you. But of course I had to get lost in Hogwarts pranking Filch. Ugh." 

Suddenly Fred turned the corner sprinting towards her, grabbing her by the arm and making a run for it, both of them pulling weird faces at the camera. Suddenly Fred pulled them into an empty classroom. As they both laughed, and Fred kissed her forhead. 

George, really enjoying the videos, pressed play on the next one. 

"Hi, my name is Fred Weasley" said Fred in a man bun and a face mask. "I've been kidnapped by my girlfriend." 

"Oi! Sod off Fred, you literally asked me to do this in charms." 

"Lies!" Fred sent a wink to the camera. "Can you please braid my hair?" 

"I can try" said Bee as started to do his hair. "Is this okay with you, mister Weasley?" 

"Of course it is Miss Weasley."

"You have to stop calling me Weasley, you know."  Bee laughed. 

"Not until you agree to marry me!"

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