98. Fuck, love, food, no

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"Now say maaa-ma" said Bee looking at Sirius. 

They were trying to figure out if the baby was extra magical just in case. Even if he wasn't, the kid was still practically a genius. At few months old, the kid was already running around, which drove everyone mad. At first it was cute, but now it was making Fred reconsider the whole six kids thing. 

"I'm telling you, love, he'll say dada first." Fred turned to the kid. "Say daaaa-da." 

The baby still just blabbed. Fred grabbed the toy in Sirius hands and held it up. 

"Come on buddy! Say dada and you'll get your toy back!" 

"Fred no! This doesn't work like this! Give your kid his toy back!" Bee said trying not to laugh. 

Suddenly little Sirius sneezed, making him levitate a little. Fred and Bee looked at each other surprised, it was the first time the baby did something magical. It was common for most wizard babies to show signs of their magicalness that early so they couldn't be sure of what was really going on. So Fred did the next best thing, he grabbed a quill and stuck it under the baby's nose, making hi have the exact reaction. 

"Okay, so as far as we know, he is a wizard." 

"Ah yes, the Gryffindor legacy continues!" 

"He looks more like a Ravenclaw to me..." Bee teased. 

"He is a Weasley! He is literally wearing a Gryffindor sweater!" 

Fred grabbed her and started to tickle her, her laugh filling the flat as she tried to run away from him, playing like little kids. Once Fred took a hold of her, he placed her on the counter and kissed her neck lovingly, nothing like Oliver had done previously. 

She had made pretty quick progress, not that it surprised anyone. Fred had handled the situation wonderfully, and they were able to go back to normal somewhat fast. Bee knew there was no pressure, which made things easier. Plus the fact that they hadn't heard from Oliver or the Death Eaters had them enjoying parenthood like any other couple would. It had it's ups and downs, but they were doing their best. 

"Fred, Freddie, you are turning me on and our literal child is staring, can we not do this here?"

Fred just laughed as he went for her sweet spot, making her gasp at the contact of his teeth coming in contact with her skin. 

"Fuck Fred I'm-" 

"Fuck!" A little voice squeaked from behind them, making the both of them freeze. 

"Huh?" Managed to choke Fred before running to baby Sirius. 

"Oh no, no, no, no Fred, this is bad!" 

"No! Fuck!" Giggled the baby, amused at his parents face's full of panic. 

"He is soooo Sirius grandson" Fred mused, getting swatted by his wife. "Okay, geddit, not the moment."

"Love, can you say any other word? Mama, dada? Bee? Fred? Anything that won't make grandma Molly rip our heads off?" Bee asked, almost losing her cool. 

"No!" Baby Sirius clapped his hands, giggling even louder. 

"We have two hours to teach him literally any word before family dinner at The Burrow, do you reckon we should cancel, Freddie?" 

"No, no. We've got his. We've got this." 

They absolutely didn't. By the time it was time for dinner, baby Sirius had learnt 4 words: fuck, no, food and love, the later learnt out of hearing Fred say it to Bee to calm her down. So far, the baby was as magical as they normally were, somewhat calming Fred and Bee. If the baby wasn't extra magical, it was something less to worry about. 

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