100. Two men in love and a broken heart

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"So Jessica, huh?" Asked Bee to a blushing Draco. 

Never in a million years did Bee Weasley think that she'd see Draco Malfoy blush, but the girl had him smitten. Completely smitten. It had now been six month since they started dating, which meant baby Sirius would soon be one. Draco had taken Bee out for brunch, which was another word for getting slightly drunk before lunch with bottomless mimosas and eating great food and fancy toast. 

"I'm not going to lie to you. I am so in love with her, Bee. I used to laugh at the people who thought that Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were a great combination but I can kinda see it now. Not kinda, I do see it. Plus the sex is amazing."

"Really Draco? Right in front in my salad?" 

 Draco seemed to be lost in thought in a second. "When did you know you were going to marry Fred?" 

"I guess we've always kind of known we were each other's person. I feel the same way when he holds my hand now than I did when we were 11. We got we wanted, we got married, we have our own little family with baby Sirius, we have lunch with Arthur, Molly, Remus and Reggie on Sundays, the joke shop and the café are thriving... This is all I wanted out of adulthood, really. Why? Do you think she is the one?" 

"I don't want to rush into things, the only other person I ever dated was Pansy before she came out but I don't know Bee, she just cares so much, it feels legit. We have a... connection. I think this time is different. So I don't have a ring, but I've for sure been eyeing some. You think I'm crazy don't you?" 

"I don't." 

"You don't?" 

"Just because it took Fred and I six years to get together doesn't mean anything. Our story is a best friends to lovers kind of story, really slow burn. But once we got together, we got engaged extremely fast, and we are really happy. That is the thing about love, Draco. You can be with someone for years and don't feel many things and then find someone who will turn your world upside down in a matter of months. Love doesn't come with a manual or conditions. It happens, and when it does happen you know. You just feel it in your bones. I don't want to get sappy, but it's kind of how I feel looking at Fred in the eyes. It's home, that is what love feels like. It feels like home, it feels safe. It feels like you are cared for. If love doesn't feel like that, it isn't love. But you can't put a timer on feelings."

"So you'd tell me to go for it?" 

"Of course! Do you feel it in your bones?" 

"I... I think I do, yeah. Wanna get out of here? I know a place where we can look at a couple of rings. I know this one gold band she'd love, I just know she would!" 

And so, Bee and Draco made their way to look for rings, when in reality Draco didn't leave the store without the gold band in a red velvet box. He didn't want a family heirloom, something tainted by the evil hands of his father, he wanted something pure, a fresh start for the bloodline. Something he could look back on, and be proud of. 

Meanwhile, George and Lee were taking their godparents' duties very seriously. They would play, read to him, feed him and overall proving they would be really good parents. George would never say it out loud, be he hoped Bee and Fred would go out more so they could spend more time with baby Sirius. 

"Doesn't it freak you out?"


"He looks like a carbon copy of the both of them, Georgie. With chubbier cheeks that is. I'm just glad he is not extra magical."

"What? How do you know that?" 

"Well for starters, I am a healer. But usually extra magical babies have shown sings of it by now. Sirius is extremely smart, but not any more powerful than the wizard baby next door." 

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