71. First Encounters

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Molly had decided to have Bee over for tea, March having a surprisingly lovely weather. It was like most of the wizarding community had agreed to put the world on pause until then. Diagon Alley was empty again, but everyone needed a break. It didn't feel right diving into life just yet, it didn't feel right to send their kids into the place that was a battlefield not three months ago. Fred had wanted to take Bee out for lunch on Valentine's day but they decided to stay in and have dinner together at home. 

The Burrow had gotten it's life back and Molly couldn't be happier. Charlie had gotten a job in a wizarding town near Ottery St. Catchpole taking care of injured dragons, and even though he said it was something temporary, Arthur and Molly knew he was staying for good. 

Deciding to invite Bee for tea wasn't weird, but if Molly had to hear her say how she didn't want to intrude, she was going to have a fit. She could never intrude, the woman considered Bee a daughter just as much as Ginny. She had seen her grow up, she had seen her fall in love with Fred and learn to love the little things about life with George. She was eager to have her remember who she was, but after remembering Harry, there hadn't been any progress at all. Sometimes she'd think there was a memory starting to appear but nothing, it was a blur too fast. 

"Sugar, dear?" asked Molly from the kitchen. 

"May I have honey instead, Mrs Weasley?" she asked shyly. 

"Again, just call me Molly. You are my daughter in law, at this point you can even call me mum." Molly chirped from the kitchen, putting some milk on her mug. "So tell me dear, any news, any progress on remembering?" 

"Not at all, I'm afraid. Although there is this one memory that keeps coming back... But it might just be my mind, it's stupid." 

"Please do tell, I might be able to help you." 

"Well, I appear into this fancy room, and there is this woman with really frizzy hair pointing her wand at me and laughing maniacally. I can't make out her face, but she says that I had to work for someone or I'd get tortured." 

"You don't know, do you?" 

"No, I don't think I know what you are referring to." 

"When you were in your sixth year, just after you and Fred started dating, you got kidnapped and tortured by Voldemort's followers, in order to get you to work with them for him. When we found you they had stabbed you and left you to die. Bill and Remus were the ones that found you." Molly pursed her lips together at the memory of the bloodied girl being carried home. 

"How... How did Fred take it?" 

"It broke him, honestly. He slept in your bed clutching one of your sweaters as if that was going to bring you back. But everytime something has happened to you, he hasn't left your side. Ever. You are the love of his life." 

"I worry that now that I can't remember things I might be holding him back. You don't think I am, do you?" 

"Oh dear not at all! Fred has loved you for so long it would be silly if he stopped now. He was lucky enough to realise you were the one as kid. He is a little upset you don't remember him, but we all are. We've known you since you were a child and it hurts a little." 

"When did I first meet your family? If you don't mind me asking." 

"Well you'd come for playdates as a baby, but we weren't properly introduced until you came here the summer of your first year at Hogwarts."

"Uncle Moony I'll be okay!" she said as Remus fixed her clothing. 

"I'm just nervous for you" said Remus looking at the girl. "You are growing up so fast."

"Please don't cry again" she pleaded. 

It had been an emotion year for Remus to say the least. First the Hogwarts letter, which sent him into waterworks, then the world caved in when she mentioned she had a crush. A crush! Heavens forbid. And the real showstopper was when she asked if she could go to The Burrow for a couple of weeks. He knew the crush was Fred, and even though they were kids, Remus saw the little twinkle in her eyes. 

The two of them used the Floo network to go to the Burrow, greeted by Molly and one of her hugs. 

"Oh Bee dear, how much have you grown!" 

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Weasley" she said with a bright smile. 

"Nonsense! Call me Molly dear. Oh Remus she looks so much like her parents." 

"Is she here?" George asked. 

"I am!" she said before being tackled onto the ground in a hug. 

"Now, you already know Charlie and Percy" said Fred, looking at the two redheads standing in the doorway. "But you have to meet Bill, Ron and Ginny!"

"Ginny will be so happy to have another girl around." George added as the three of them linked arms and skipped to the kitchen." 

"Who might this be?" asked a tall guy with long hair. 

"This is Bee" said Charlie looking at him with raised eyebrows. 

"Oh! It's great to meet you, we've heard a lot about you. I'm William Weasley, but please I beg you call me Will." he winked at her. 

"I like Bill" she whispered to the twins. "He's nice." 

Fred and George looked at the girl with wide eyes. 

"Not like that you gits! Oh my god." 

Then a voice spoke from behind them. 

"You are so pretty" he blurted, ignoring his brothers laughing at him. 

"That's ickle Ron, youngest brother." George said, still laughing. 

"Aw poor thing, hi Ron! I'm Bee. It's great to finally meet you." She said hugging the boy who was blushing like crazy at the pretty girl  hugging him. "I reckon there's still one Weasley missing?  And your dad, of course."

"Dad won't be here until tonight, but yeah. Ginny!" Fred yelled. "Come here for a second!" 

The youngest Weasley ran downstairs, her eyes bursting with happiness at the sight of another girl in the Burrow. 

"You are a girl!" she cried. "Oh thank Merlin! Hi, I'm Ginny! Do you like Quidditch?" 

"I do enjoy Quidditch!" 

"Come one" Ginny said snatching her arm and dragging her upstairs. "I want you to do my hair." 

"Molly! Molly I remember you!" she gasped. "Oh thank Merlin! Heck not Merlin thank you for taking me in like one of yours!" 

"Dear I'm so happy! And no need to thank me." 

"Yes there is. You have taken me in like a daughter of yours. You fed me and and you were the mother figure I had when I needed one." she said going to hug the woman crying. "I love you so much, it has been such a honor to grow up in this household." 

"This household is yours too. You've always been a Weasley, now you just have the name too. I've said this a thousand times, but I'm glad Freddie married you. And I'm really proud of you, dear. It's lovely to have you back, I know you'll be fully back with us soon." 

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