77. Potter, Evans, Malfoy

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The great thing about having a sibling like relationship meant that Sundays, when the café was closed and Harry had the  day off from Auror training, they could have a lazy day in. Harry had moved to a flat near them, Ron still staying at The Burrow. 

"How are you dealing with missing Ginny?" 

"It feels weird, you know? Minnie lets me visit but still, with Auror training it gets tricky."

"Have you thought about marrying her?"

"Well of course I've fantasized with the idea of marrying her, but you know Gin, she won't get married as young as you and Fred did." He laughed softly. "Do you know anything about my parents' love story?" 

"Oh I know a great deal about it! Remus couldn't really read as a child so all the children's stories I got as a kid were stories about The Marauders." 


"I know! And just like you, it took your dad a lot to get your mum to finally date her." 

Lilly Evans and James Potter had been friends for a while, but the second Potter knew he had fallen for her, he was ready to put up a fight to get the girl. 

"Come on Evans! One date, only one. If you don't like it, I'll leave you alone."

"You promise?" 

"I swear on my broomstick." 



"Yeah, okay. You are picking me up Friday at 8. Don't mess it up, Potter." 

James was a wreck the rest of the week. He had been waiting for this moment for way too long and now he couldn't mess it up. He had the chance. 

"I don't know Padfoot, I can't mess up. Fancy stuff it's not really her thing." 

"How about you take her stargazing?" said young Remus. 

"Moony you absolute fucking genius! Girls like that, right?"

"Okay so, here's the deal. You guys go to the Quidditch field and set up a blanket and like maybe some pillows. I'll go to her dorm, 8 sharp. Pick her up, being a complete gentleman. And then boom! I get a second date!" James grin was the biggest the group had ever seen. "Now I gotta go get Marlene to help me with the outfit."

"I'm literally so offended right now." Sirius said, shaking his head. 

"Fuck off, Black. Marlene has the superior fashion taste. Besides, she knows what girls like!"

Marlene had raided his closet, finally choosing something for him to wear. 

"Isn't this a little... 50's?"

"No, I think it suits you. Plus, Evans likes the look."

"So he took her stargazing and she really liked it, so they started dating. Dad used to say that she was playing hard to get, but James would follow her anywhere if she asked." 

Harry reached for the bag of chips, with a big smile on his face. It felt nice to know about his parents, about the love that they shared. 

"You reckon they are still the same?" 

"I can tell that they are. Plus James is like a kid still."

"Did we ever meet? As kids I mean."

"Yes! Oh god there is this one story Sirius loved, it was just before you know... And you had just started crawling. So you'd chase me around your backyard." 

"Please Sirius I'm begging you this is going to be so much fun" James whined, looking at his best friend. 

"Ugh, fine! But if something happens, you take them to St. Mungos I don't want to be the one getting screamed at." 


James grabbed Sirius' leather jacket and a big cardigan of his own, and the invisibility cloak. He stopped Bee, and put Sirius jacket over her making it extremely hard for her to walk around. Then he put his cardigan over Harry, difficulting his will to crawl chasing for Bee. And then it happened, the weight of Sirius' jacket was to much for her, and she fell to the ground, not really hurting herself. Almost on cue, James put the cloak on her, and when Harry stopped crawling in top of her, it looked like he was floating, much to Sirius' and James' amusement. 

The men were cry laughing at that point, and even as a toddler you could see Harry's confusion, making it a hundred times funnier for them. 

"Again! Please oh Godric!" asked Sirius in a fit of laughter. 

This went on for a few times, at this point the kids were laughing too, not because it was funny to them but it was funny to their dads. 

"They were actual children" laughed Harry. 

"I guess it's what happens when you love someone like that, it feels like you'll be young forever." 

"Is it how you feel with the twins and Lee?"



Draco woke up in a room he didn't recognize. He didn't know how much time had he been out. His head hurt but it was nothing compared to how sore his body was.  The room had almost no light and a big bed, that to be fair, looked rather old. He took a good look at the room, noticing the dried blood on the floor.

"So what? I'm the second warning? You couldn't get Potter?"

"Silence, Draco."

"Shut it, Lucius."

"It's father, to you."

"You aren't shit to me" spat Draco, earning a slap on his face. "Are you going to slap me everytime I cross you? Shame on you."

"Does she remember?"

"I'm not going to cooperate with you."

"You can't turn your back on your own family."

"I am not. She is my family. Mum is my family. Even the fucking Weasleys are my family. You on the other hand... I can't say the same. Shitty father, awful husband..."

Lucius grabbed his cane, and directed it to Draco's head, opening a wound.  Draco touched his brow, the blood tickling his face like a red, thick river.

"Beat me up all you want. My loyalties are with Potter. With the ones who took me in, who healed the scars you left because you are not capable of love. You are a selfish prick who just moves when it comes to power. Well I'm sorry Lucius" Draco said with disgust. "But I'm not your little toy, I'm not helping you. I'd rather have a family than cry myself to sleep because I chose to help you."

The cane made contact with Draco's body several times, ugly bruises starting to form. What made Draco yelp in pain was the fact that the fangs in Lucius' cane were now deep in the flesh of his collarbones.

"Go fetch your mother. Tell her she is the second warning, be aware. We will strike when you least expect it. And remember: you are the blood of my blood. You will help, Draco. You are a Malfoy, either if you like it or not. Evil runs through you."

Lucius spat on Draco one last time, grabbed him by his arm and kicked him out Malfoy Manor.


Honestly? Giving Draco the character arc he deserves fuck JK. Rowling. I hope you guys are enjoying the new drama, but not to worry, we'll have plenty of cute moments.

I'm thinking of adding a Glee chapter too :)

Hope you are enjoying so far, the comments make me incredibly happy!

- Berts💜

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