113. The zoo

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Fred woke up to a pair of tiny hands pulling on his cheeks, poking, overall manhandling and giggling. 

"Five more minutes bud, go annoy mummy." He groaned lowly taking a peek at the clock beside him. 

It was 6 am on a Saturday, and baby Sirius was excited because Fred had promised that him, Bee, uncle Harry and aunt Ginny would take him to the zoo to see otters. The kid was obsessed with otters for some reason, and he only grew more obsessed when he saw Bee's patronus. 

"Shut it, Fred. Keep on annoying daddy, you have my full permission." Bee said turning around and snuggling closer to her pillow.

Fred scoffed and pulled Sirius closer to his chest, and Bee turned around again to watch them, the resemblance of the two being very clear. The matching wild ginger hair (for the three of them, ever since they prank died it the day Fred asked Bee to be his girlfriend she had kept it, making them a family of gingers and Harry stick out like a sore thumb) and freckles the two boys shared made them a sight to be seen. 

Sirius looked at her mother with adoration, he always did. He crawled so that he could be on top of her and Bee pulled the covers so both of them would be covered. Sirius put his arms around her neck and the both of the cuddled, with big smiles on their faces. Bee could get used to this, big smiles, cuddles every morning, no saving the world, ...

"Such a mumma's boy, huh?" Smiled Fred, his heart happy. 

"Proving once again I am indeed the superior Weasley." Bee said laughing lightly, earing a giggle from baby Sirius. 

"Don't let Ron hear you that, he'll get upset." Joked Fred, making the three of them laugh loudly. "You don't know just how happy I am about the fact that we have revived Wonwon after all this years. Thank you buddy." He said looking at Sirius. 

The baby could swear like a sailor, but some names he still couldn't say. George was uncle Geogie, and Ron was uncle Wonwon. Just like Draco had been uncle Drago, a picture of him hung in the wall, watching over them, keeping them company. 

Fred stood up to go make breakfast, Sirius waddling behind him. 

"Bye mummy! I love you!" He squealed as Fred took him in his arms.

As soon as Fred had set Sirius up in the counter and not in his chair, and he had set the kettle in the oven to make some tea, Ginny and Harry appeared in the fire place, using floo powder to get to the new house. 

"Damn Fred, who thought you had it in you to decorate an actual house? Props to you." 

"Thank you sister dearest."  Fred scoffed. "Hi hello Fred how are you?" He mocked in a high pitched voiced. "We're great Ginny thanks for asking." 

"Shut up where is my godson I want to give him cuddles!" Ginny picked Sirius up and sat down at the table. 

"Oh morning everyone" Said Bee sitting down the table. "Bean sit down won't you? We have something important to discuss." 

Harry looked rather bewildered at his sister, this conversations never ended well. Never. He feared the worst, but nothing, and when I say nothing I mean nothing could prepare for what hit him next. 

"So I'm pregnant again, and it's twins! Congratulations, you are the godfather." 

You see, when you marry into the Weasley family something happens to you, you become a whole lot more dramatic. Just like Fred when Bee gave birth and Molly when he knew the both of them were engaged, Harry fainted and plummeted to the floor, while Sirius clapped and giggled not understanding anything. 

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