32. Birthday sex

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Smut warning, a bit kinky just in case ;)

Bee and Fred had already started working on their flat. They left their room with a bed they both could share agreeing they would do the decore once they finished school. The bed they needed to be able to sneak out, and was the reason for both of them to go feral with the sex. 

The living room looked lovely. They had put a muggle tv, a coffee table and a big sofa so they could cuddle peacefully. They had decided they would paint the walls a really soft blue with yellow accents and it took them no time to fill the walls with pictures of all of their favourite people. It only made sense to them. Lee, George, Harry, Molly, Sirius and Remus, Molly and Arthur, Ginny... Fred had even hung a picture with the prat of the year himself, Percy. It was a reminder that they were with them forever. 

That particular morning, the morning of August the 28th, Bee was looking at a certain picture. She was seven and had her face full of chocolate. Remus had tried to make a chocolate cake with her since she was upset. But it had gone terribly wrong, earning a few giggles. For some reason she remembered this very clearly. She knew Remus and her dad would be having a tough day today. She felt two arms sneaking their way into her waist holding her tight. 

"Happy birthday love" Fred whispered in her ear. 

"Thank you Freddie" she said turning around and kissing his lips. 

"Now I have a little something for you, darling." he said going back to the bedroom. 

The two of them had been spending a lot of time in the flat, so they decided to leave some pj's in there. Of course Fred's ideas of pj's was "let's sleep naked until someone catches us". That someone was one poor George Weasley, who was scarred for life. But at least it wasn't Remus or Sirius or Molly. God forbid Molly knew they were having sex, she'd probably flip. Fred emerged from the room with a small present messily wrapped. 

"This is the first one, but an important one." 

She slowly unwrapped the present as Fred spoke. 

"Sirius gave it to me. He said he found it cleaning not long ago, and I thought you would have loved it as a present. I want her to be in the room just like Remus and Sirius. She is my family too right now, you know"

Bee had tears filling her eyes. Fred had gifted her a picture of her mother and her when she was a baby. She had her little hands on her mums cheeks and the picture was a pure representation of love. 

"Freddie..." she turned around to hug him. "You are the best boyfriend ever did you know that?"

"I am aware" he chuckled as he hung the picture. "Now go get ready. And grab a swimsuit. You'll need it."

The both of them apparated at Grimmaulds place. Bee made her way to the living room, as Sirius threw himself in her arms. 

"My baaaby, my baby now woman." said Sirius now, full on sobbing. 

"Dad, I'm only 17" she said trying not to laugh. 

"My 17 year old babyyy!" 

Bee looked at Remus with a "control your man" kinda look. Sirius was being dramatic but that was until Molly walked in, crying too. 

"She never cried with us" George told Lee. 

"Oh my girl!" said Molly. "A woman, a woman! Oh Bee, this day looked so far away and now you are on your last school year and moving in with Freddie. I'm so proud of you" Molly said hugging the girl. 

Bee sent Fred a look.

"Okay mum, please don't choke her." He said thinking that was his job. "I'm taking Bee to see her mum and then we are going to the beach."

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