99. Dinner plotting

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"So?" Asked Bellatrix.   

"I'm willing to help." Started Oliver, "But I have my conditions." 

"I'm listening..." 

"I want her hand in marriage. That's my price. She'll marry me and go into the Dark Side. And I don't want the mark. I work at Hogwarts now, Minerva could see it."

"Severus had it." 

"Do you expect me to walk around with a cape and greasy hair?" 

"Fair enough. It's a deal. Help us with the girl and she is all yours." 

"Don't you feel a little bad to be doing this to your family?"

"Family doesn't exist when there's a power to be held this strong." 

Bellatrix turned to the girl sitting in front of Oliver, her black short and wavy hair cut into a mullet resting on her collar bones. She was wearing a fairly old Slytherin sweater, and her brown eyes practically yelled trouble. Her long nails tapped on the table, her smirk was almost defying Bellatrix. 


"So what?" 

"Don't be smart with me Jessica, what about the boy?"

"It's coming along nicely." 

"Not enough. Do you remember the plan?" 

"Merlin, relax would you? I know the plan. Get him to fall, break his heart, lure him into the dark side and if not kill him. Not that hard." 

"Why aren't we following the same plan with Bee?" Asked Oliver. 

"She is not as naive. And we have to be careful with her, no one can let it slide about how powerful she is. If she knows, we are screwed. This is not Dumbledore, this is a potential unknown to us, even to her. The Dark Lord didn't want her so he could keep our army alive. He wanted her to train her, and when he eventually died, to take over. But of course Potter had to ruin everything." 

"Harry is not that bad, damn good seeker." 

"Silence, Wood! The point is, we could kill the kid, kill her husband, the family and destroy Hogwarts and she would not give in. We have to either outsmart her or approach with violence. Directed at her, of course. Voldemort liked to make people suffer, I like to watch the suffering. Oh imagine Weasley's face when she marries Wood. Or when we torture her into joining us. Those filthy traitors..." Once again she turned to Jessica. "So? Do we know if the baby is extra magical yet?"

"No, nothing yet. But from what I've been told he most likely is. He already talks and run and he is not even one. I haven't seen him yet, but the second I know, I'll report back to you." 

"Good, good. Great. Now, bring me the hostages!" 

Two man and a girl were brought to the table, and Oliver recognized the girl on the spot. It was Alicia, Alicia Spinnet. Lee Jordan's ex girlfriend, Gryffindor chaser until an injury and the reason she was there: she was one of Bee's closest friends. Alicia looked a him weird, the last time she saw him was at the never ended wedding, that of course he didn't remember. But most of all, Alicia was scared. The last thing she wanted was to end up like Angelina, but it didn't help that over correspondence, they never spoke about the baby. 

The next man no one recognized. His name was Dimitri Krum. Cousin of Viktor Krum, but the only reason he was there was because he worked Charlie Weasley at the Sanctuary back in Romania. They had done their research, and knew that he was the closest Weasley to her besides the twins. Dimitri's mistake was a simple one: asking how were the uncle duties coming along in a letter. Of course the letter never reached Charlie. Next he knew he was being apparated to a dark manor by hooded figures. 

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