16. Halloween

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Smut warning ;)

"Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" Professor Snape's voice souded in the quiet room. 

Angelina raised her hand.

"Yes, miss Johnson?"

"It's a love potion sir, the smell changes according to what you are most attracted to, what you love."

"5 points to Gryffindor, very well." he said almost in disgust. 

Bee was sitting next to Fred, taking notes as Snape was going over the ingredients. 

"Mind if we share notes? I got a little distracted."

"It's fine Freddie, we can share. Now come on, we've got to get the ingredients."

They started mixing the ingredients into their cauldrons, going over the steps together. Fred and George were actually really good at potions, and Bee knew it. So she pushed them a little there. She knew academics were not their thing, but in the end, she wanted them to be the best versions of themselves, and that included a little push with Snape's class and charms class.

"I think we're doing okay, they both look the same" said Fred comparing the color of both potions. "Do you reckon we could sell this in the shop?"

"Amortentia is a bit powerful" she said thinking about it "But I'm sure we can find a similar potion you can sell."

Suddenly both of their cauldrons let out a pink puf, meaning the potions were done. 

"Miss Black, Mister Weasley. I see you are done." 

"Yes sir" they both answered. 

"Miss Black, do you mind telling us what do you smell?"

"Um... I smell gunpowder, cinnamon and my dad's cookies." she said eyeing Fred. 

"And you Mr. Weasley?"

"Um, I smell vainilla, old books and the sea." he said, face tinted scarlet red. 

George, Lee and Angelina were having the time of their lives. Of course they had smelled each other. Fred's cinnamon smell from adding it to the butterbeer. Bee's vainilla perfume. Gunpowder from the pranks and the cookies Fred insisted on baking her whenever she felt sad because that was what Sirius would do for her as a child. And he smelled her books, he smelled the books he'd read to her when they cuddled and the sea, because she once told him she felt at home there. 

Fred and Bee remained scarlet red for the rest of the lesson. Today was the last day of October and Gryffindor was throwing a Halloween costume party in the Room of Requirement. Fred and Bee had been planing to dress up a little and do a couple's costume, just like Lee and George. 

"Hey Fred can I borrow one of your F sweaters?" said George. 

"Sure... Wait are you dressing up as me? What is Lee going as?"

"Who knows, Freddie, just wait and see." he winked at him. 

Fred was going to go as a little devil. And he was going all out. He was wearing the same pants he was wearing during the date, only this time a little demon tail was attached to the belt. He was wearing a black shirt, tucked in the trousers and unbuttoned. He finished the look with a plastic pitchfork and two little horns he clipped onto his hair. He looked onto the mirror and thought there was something missing, the black nails weren't enough. So he decided to grab the red lipstick he borrowed from Bee and tried to put it on as eye shadow. Fred looked proud of himself, knowing a certain someone would not resist him. 

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