28. Missing piece

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Fred had not moved from Bee's bed at Grimmauld Place the second they got there. He would barely eat, and stayed in the same position. Laying in her bed, clutching a sweater of hers. It smelled like her, and somehow, it brought him comfort. 

"Freddie," said Lee entering the room. "How are you feeling mate?" 

"I haven't seen her in a month Lee. And Today would be our six month anniversary. Does she know it's July 12th? I just want her back." said Fred.

And for the first time since the she left, Fred sobbed. He let out everything that he was holding in. George heard from the kitchen making his way up. He was heartbroken too. Not only they had taken his best friend away, but everyone was miserable. They had been looking for her for weeks and they had no clue. She was the missing piece of a big puzzle. And George knew, Fred was missing half of his heart. 

"I never got to tell her I loved her" said Fred between sobs. "And now she might be dead, and she'll never know. I can't lose her. I can't Georgie, she's my best friend, my girl."

George and Lee held Fred close as he sobbed, they had tried everything this past month, just to try and cheer Fred up. The of them ended up spending a lot of time together alone, as Fred would hardly show an emotion. He had been numb. 

Unaware, that Harry had jumped straight out of bed, down to the kitchen, interrupting the meeting of The Order. 

"I know where she is" he yelled. 

"Harry what ar-" Alastor tried to say before he got interrupted.

"Let the boy speak." said Sirius in a really stern voice.

"I had a dream, you know like the ones she gets where she can speak. She is at Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix has been torturing her, she doesn't know how much time she's been out. She is there, I'm sure she is. She heard Draco's voice too. You have to believe me."

"Harry we don't know if it's true..." said Tonks. 

"It is, it is. Please let's just check. Please."

"It couldn't hurt to check... You guys are Aurors. You could do it..." answered Remus trying to calm both Sirius and Harry. 

"Please" said Harry almost crying. "Please I don't know what else to do. I don't want to lose her."

Molly looked at Harry, her heart breaking. She had no choice but to say what she was going to.

"Harry dear, they'll try tomorrow. I promise. They'll be back before you leave for Surrey."

No one said anything, knowing that now they had no option but to do so, knowing the kids would go feral if they didn't do so. Bill was staying with them, but Charlie had to go back to Romania. It killed him inside knowing the state of everyone, owling George everyday to stay updated. 

As the Sun began to rise, Tonks, Alastor, Remus and Bill made their way to Malfor Manor. They had been informed of the presence of Death Eaters at St. Mungos, making the whole thing a lot more complicated that what it should've been. They checked the rooms, one by one. 

The manor was empty, and Remus was starting to lose the temper he had kept during the month. 

"This one is closed with a key, I don't think Alohomora is going to work" said Bill.

Alastor muttered something under his breath, the door opening. Remus and Bill thought they were going to pass out. They had found her, but she looked bad. As they got closer they noticed she had been stabbed and left to die. Tonks carefully took her wrist.

"She's got a pulse..." she whispered smiling. 

"We have to take her back. Now. Mum will know what to do." said Bill holding in the tears.

She looked so fragile, it pained him to see her like that. He could only imagine how Fred would react when he saw her. 

"Sunshine can you hear me?" said Remus softly. 

No answer. 

Remus scooped her up into his arms and they made their way to Grimmaulds Place. As soon as they walked through the door, all hell broke lose. Ginny, who had just woken up didn't understand what was going on. Bill ran to Bee's room. 

"Wake the hell up, you lot" said to Lee and the twins. 

"The fuck is wrong with you, William?" said a very cranky George. 

"She's here, we have to lay her somewhere" Bill said bolting downstairs. 

"Are you sure ready to see how might she look like Freddie?" Lee whispered to him.

Fred nodded, but he really wasn't. He had left to change into some fresh clothing, grabbing some for Bee too. As they laid her in the bed, George choked a sob clutching Lee's arm. Fred went back to the room, and he couldn't utter a word. 

"My love, you're back" he whispered, trying to move some hair off her face. 

Molly came into the room, George and Lee leaving. They couldn't stand the sight before them, and they both needed a break. Fred didn't move. 

"You should leave Freddie, dear. I have to heal and bathe her." said Molly as sweetly as she could. 

"I want to help. Let me bathe her." 

Molly didn't want to, but she knew the boy would do what he needed to do. Fred ran the bath and filled the tub. He carefully lowered her down, her body looked nothing like the night they slept together. He started washing her hair carefully, as if he was going to break her. He put some conditioner and moved to her body. He put some pj's on her, and very carefully combed her hair. When he was done, Molly went into the room and started to heal her the best she could.

"You really do love her, don't you?" asked Molly. 

"I really do. And now I get to tell her everyday."


"It's time for you to go back, buttercup." said Fabian. "Come visit soon, we'll miss the constant mischief."

"Am I ready? Are you guys sure?" 

"We are, little one" said Marlenne. 

She hugged Lily, James, Marlenne, Fabian and lastly Gideon, who she had become really close with. She stepped out of the light as they waved at her. 

Bee opened her eyes, slowly. She knew where she was. The smell of Molly's supper cooking, Kreacher complaining somewhere in the house, and the three mops of her she called her best friends sleeping on top of each other next to her with the wrappers of chocolate she was sure Remus had given them on the floor. She smiled taking it all in. 

Bee was finally safe. She was home. 

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